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Stephen A. Edwards



PDF file Choosing Determinacy: Combining Concurrency and Timing in the Sparse Synchronous Model.
Presented at Stroustrup's Design using C++ Course.
Columbia, November 22.
A survey of Models of Computation and design decisions that went into the Sparse Synchronous Model
PDF file The Sparse Synchronous Model.
Presented at Technische Universität Dresden.
Germany, April 25.
Summary of the Sparse Synchronous Model including C runtime, Scoria DSL, Lua library, and Sslang + RP2040 runtime


PDF file Timestamp Peripherals for Precise Real-Time Programming.
Presented at International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (Memocode).
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany, September 22nd.
About our MEMOCODE 2023 paper about using the Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040) to timestamp input and output events. Written with my son Kyle and PhD student John.


PDF file SSlang: A Sparse Synchronous Language for Hard Real-Time Tasks.
Presented at IFIP WG2.8 Functional Programming.
Cornell Tech, Roosevelt Island, New York, May 10th.
PDF file The Commodore VIC I and II chips.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival - East.
Infoage Science Center, Wall, New Jersey, April 22nd.
A panel with Albert Charpentier, designer of the VIC chips, and Bil Herd, both of Commodore.
PDF file Commodore Amiga chips.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival - East.
Infoage Science Center, Wall, New Jersey, April 22nd.
A panel with Amiga engineers Dave Haynie and Andy Finkel. Also Bill Herd of Commodore.
PDF file Advanced Assembly Language Programming on the Apple II.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival - East.
Infoage Science Center, Wall, New Jersey, April 22nd.
A short course in real Apple //e classroom. Apple II ProDOS disk image


PDF file The Genesis and Evolution of the 6502 Family.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival West.
Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California, August 8.
A conversation with Bill Mensch, a key designer of the 6502 8-bit microprocessor.
PDF file The Sparse Synchronous Model.
Presented at Chalmers University.
Online, February 2.
The Sparse Synchronous Model of computation, with a focus on the language and semantics


PDF file The Sparse Synchronous Model.
Presented at Synchron.
Online, November 26.
A brief talk about the Sparse Synchronous Model of computation
PDF file The Sparse Synchronous Model.
Presented at FDL.
Kiel, Germany, September 15.
I produced a YouTube video for this


PDF file Ubiquitous Unix Units.
Presented at Unix50.
Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, October 22.
Signs for my display of tiny single-board computers running Unix
PDF file Language Design is LEGO Design and Library Design.
Presented at Forum on Specification and Design Languages.
University of Southampton, United Kingdom, September 3.
Invited Keynote
PDF file Net Booting/Installing Vintage Computers from a Raspberry Pi.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival - East.
Infoage Science Center, Wall, New Jersey, May 3.
PDF file Programming Tiny, Colorful Computers.
Presented at SWE Engineering Exploration Experience.
Columbia University, March 30.
PDF file Programming Tiny, Colorful Computers.
Presented at Science Cafe.
The School at Columbia University, January 17.


PDF file Haskell-to-Hardware: The FHW Project.
Presented at Octopi Workshop.
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, December.
PDF file BEADL: A New Real-Time Language for Behavioral Experiments.
Presented at Octopi Workshop.
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, December.
PDF file Esterel and the Synchronous Approach.
Presented at Octopi Workshop.
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, December.
PDF file Discrete-Event Esterel Code Generation.
Presented at Octopi Workshop.
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, December.
PDF file An Esterel Virtual Machine.
Presented at Octopi Workshop.
Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden, December.
PDF file BEADL: A New Real-Time Language for Behavioral Experiments.
Presented at IBM Programming Languages Day.
IBM T.J. Watson, December 10.
PDF file Further Experiences Teaching an FPGA-Based Embedded Systems Class.
Presented at WESE 2018.
Torino, Italy, October 4th.
PDF file Assembly Instructions for a Motor Robot Car Kit.
Download the firmware here: robot-car.zip
PDF file Haskell to Hardware and Other Dreams.
Presented at Google X.
Mountain View, California, June 12.
PDF file Vintage Computing with FPGAs.
Presented at Vintage Computer Festival - East.
Infoage Science Center, Wall, New Jersey, May 18.
Download the files here: fpgakim.tar.gz
PDF file The Altair 8800 Computer: The Start of the Personal Computer Revolution.
Presented at CSTA Central NJ Meeting.
Princeton University, April 11.
PDF file Programming Tiny, Colorful Computers.
Presented at SWE Engineering Exploration Experience.
Columbia University, March 24.


PDF file Compositional Dataflow Circuits.
Presented at MEMOCODE.
Vienna, Austria, October 1.


PDF file Haskell to Hardware and Other Dreams.
Presented at Synchron.
Bamberg, Germany, December 7.
PDF file Translating Haskell to Hardware.
Presented at New York Haskell Users Group.
New York, NY, February 24.
Presented by Lianne Lairmore (YouTube Video)


PDF file Understand Video Games; Understand Everything.
Presented at Columbia University (Master Class for Columbia Engineering Days on Campus).
New York, NY, April 10.


PDF file Functioning Hardware from Functional Specifications.
Presented at IBM Programming Languages Day.
IBM T.J. Watson, November 18.
PDF file Understand Video Games; Understand Everything.
Presented at Columbia University (Master Class for Prospective Students).
New York, NY, August 8.
PDF file Functioning Hardware from Functional Specifications.
Presented at DIMACS Workshop on Multicore and Cryptography.
Hoboken, New Jersey, July 22.
Invited Talk
PDF file Resource Allocation for Hardware Implementations of Map.
Presented at Workshop on Architectures and Systems for Big Data (ASBD).
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 15.
Presented by Richard Townsend
PDF file Functioning Hardware from Functional Specifications.
Presented at ACSD.
Tunis, Tunisia, June 26.
Invited Keynote


PDF file Functioning Hardware from Functional Specifications.
Presented at Chalmers University.
Gothenburg, Sweden, December 17.
PDF file CPUs, GPUs, and the Rise of Software Parallelism.
Presented at Chalmers University.
Gothenburg, Sweden, December 16.
An introduction to Joel Svensson's PhD Defense
PDF file Functioning Hardware from Functional Specifications.
Presented at SYNCHRON Workshop.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, November 18.
PDF file Understand Video Games; Understand Everything.
Presented at Columbia University (Master Class for Prospective Students).
New York, NY, August 9.
PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems: Some Preliminary Results.
Presented at Columbia University.
New York, NY, March 25.


PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems.
Presented at PARKAS group, DI, École normale supérieure.
Paris, France, June 26.
PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems.
Presented at the 2012 Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference (ESLsyn).
San Francisco, California, June 2.
Invited keynote
PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems.
Presented at the Resource-Aware Functional Programming (RAWFP) Workshop.
Gothenberg, Sweden, May 29.
Greatly expanded version
PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems.
Presented at Jane Street.
New York, NY, April 16.
PDF file High-Level Languages for Device Drivers.
Presented at Device Driver Reliability, Modeling and Synthesis Research Workshop.
Intel, Hillsboro, Oregon, March 16.
PDF file From Recursive Functions to Real FPGAs.
Presented at Compiling Complete Programs into Circuits (CCPC).
London, UK, March 4.
PDF file Compiling Parallel Algorithms to Memory Systems.
Presented at CSL Group Meeting.
Columbia University, New York, NY, February 14.
Overview of recent NSF grant with Martha Kim


PDF file High-level Synthesis from Functional Languages.
Presented at Synchronics Days.
Paris, France, October 19.


PDF file Concurrency and Communication: Lessons from the SHIM Project.
Presented at Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS).
Newport Beach, California, November 18.
PDF file Reconciling Repeatable Timing with Pipelining and Memory Hierarchy.
Presented at Workshop on Reconciling Performance with Predictability.
Grenoble, France, October 15.
PDF file Esperanto, Polyglot, or Babel: The Future of Design Languages.
Presented at Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE).
Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 13.
PDF file 50 Years of Computing: Towards Embedded Ubiquitous Computers.
Presented at Class of 1959 Panel Discussion: IT: Basic Benginning 59, A Ubiquitous Revolution Today.
Friday, June 5.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Concurrent Language.
Presented at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).
April 20.
Also available: Narrated video (Ogg theora format, 40 min., 54 MB)
PDF file Esterel and the Synchronous Approach.
Presented at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).
April 20, 2009.
Also available: Narrated video (Ogg theora format, 57 min., 77 MB)
PDF file Celling SHIM: Compiling Deterministic Concurrency to a Heterogeneous Multicore.
Presented at Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC).
Honolulu, Hawaii, Thursday, March 12.


PDF file Programming Shared Memory Multiprocessors with Deterministic Message-Passing Concurrency: Compiling SHIM to Pthreads.
Presented at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).
Munich, Germany, March 13.
PDF file What Do We Do With 1012 Transistors? The Case for Precision Timing.
Presented at DSRC TeraChip Workshop.
Stanford, California, February 21.
Also at Google, February 20th, 2008. Watch the YouTube Video
PDF file Precision-Timed (PRET) Machines.
Presented at Altera.
San Jose, California, January 9.
PDF file Static Elaboration of Recursion for Concurrent Software.
Presented at PEPM 2008.
San Francisco, California, January 7.


PDF file Precision-Timed (PRET) Machines.
Presented at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
July 6.
PDF file Precision-Timed (PRET) Machines.
Presented at 44th Design Automation Conference.
San Diego, California, June 5, 2007.
PDF file Verification Challenges in the SHIM Concurrent Language.
Presented at NEVER (again): The Third Northeast Verification Seminar.
NEC, Princeton, New Jersey, May 18.
PDF file Verification: What Works and What Does Not?.
Presented at NEVER (again): The Third Northeast Verification Seminar.
NEC, Princeton, New Jersey, May 18.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Concurrent Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Princeton University.
New Jersey, May 10th.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Concurrent Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at University of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, PA, April 27th.
PDF file SHIM: A Scheduling-Independent Concurrent Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA, March 16th.
PDF file Precision-Timed (PRET) Machines.
Presented at Schoß Dagstuhl.
Germany, March.


PDF file SHIM: A Scheduling-Independent Concurrent Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at University of California, Berkeley.
Berkeley, CA, November 8th.
PDF file The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-like Languages.
Presented at ECSI-UBS Workshop on High Level Synthesis.
Darmstadt, Germany, September 18.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Microsoft Research.
Bangalore, India, August 23.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at National Chaio-Tung University (NCTU).
Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 28.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at SpringSoft.
Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 28.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Tsinghua University.
Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 11.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at National Taiwan University, Taipei.
August 10.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Seoul National University, Korea.
August 4.
PDF file A Processor Extension for Cycle-Accurate Real-Time Software.
Presented at IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC).
Seoul, Korea, August 3.
PDF file R-SHIM: Deterministic Concurrency with Recursion and Shared Variables.
Presented at 4rd International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE).
Napa, California, July 28.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Language for Embedded Systems.
Presented at University of Kiel.
Germany, July 21.
PDF file Efficient Code Generation from SHIM Models .
Presented at Languages, Compilers, and Techniques for Embedded Systems (LCTES).
Ottawa, Canada, June 15.
PDF file An Esterel Virtual Machine for Embedded Systems.
Presented at Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming (SLAP).
Vienna, Austria, March 25.
Presented by Becky Plummer and Mukul Khajanchi
PDF file Optimizing Sequential Cycles through Shannon Decomposition and Retiming.
Presented at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE).
Munich, Germany, March 9.
Presented by Cristian Soviani
PDF file An Efficient Algorithm for the Analysis of Cyclic Circuits.
Presented at International Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI).
Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2006.
PDF file High-level Synthesis from the Synchronous Language Esterel.
Presented at SRC Annual Review in System Design.
Ohio State University, Columbus, March 1st.
PDF file Using Program Specialization to Speed SystemC Fixed-Point Simulation .
Presented at Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM).
Charleston, SC, January 9.


PDF file Separate Compilation of Synchronous Modules.
Presented at 2nd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS).
Xian, China, December.
Presented by Jia Zeng
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at University of California, Berkeley.
Berkeley, CA, November 10th.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at Xilinx.
San Jose, CA, November 9th.
PDF file Adding a Flow-Oriented Paradigm to Commodity Operating Systems.
Presented at IOSCA 2005.
Austin, TX, October 8th.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at National Instruments.
Austin, TX, October 7th.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at University of Texas at Austin.
October 7th.
PDF file Experiences Teaching an FPGA-Based Embedded Systems Class.
Presented at WESE 2005.
Jersey City, NJ, September 22nd.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at EMSOFT 2005.
Jersey City, NJ, September 21st.
PDF file SHIM: A Deterministic Model for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems.
Presented at Tsinghua University.
Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 16th.
PDF file Deterministic Receptive Processes are Kahn Processes.
Presented at MEMOCODE 2005.
Verona, Italy, July 12th.
PDF file Using and Compiling Esterel.
Presented at MEMOCODE 2005.
Verona, Italy, July 11th.
Invited Tutorial
PDF file The Future of Embedded Linux.
Presented at C3 Expo.
New York, NY, June 30.
PDF file High-Level Optimization by Combining Retiming and Shannon Decomposition.
Presented at International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS).
Presented by Cristian Soviani
PDF file Challenges in Synthesizing Fast Control-Dominated Circuits.
Presented at International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis.
poster (17X22)
PDF file SHIM: A Language for Hardware/Software Integration.
Presented at University of California, Irvine.
April 7th.
PDF file High-level Synthesis from the Synchronous Language Esterel.
Presented at SRC Annual Review in System Design.
University of California, Irvine, April 6th.
PDF file SHIM: A Language for Hardware/Software Integration.
Presented at Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming (SLAP).
Edinburgh, Scotland, April 3rd.
PDF file The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-like Languages.
Presented at DATE 2005.
Munich, Germany, March.
PDF file Prior and Future Research.
Presented at BMW, Munich.
Germany, March.


PDF file SHIM: A Language for Hardware/Software Integration.
Presented at Columbia.
PDF file Using and Compiling Esterel.
Presented at National Chung Cheng University (CCU).
Chia-Yi, Taiwan, August 17.
PDF file The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-like Languages.
Presented at IWLS.
Temecula, California, June.
PDF file Generating Fast Sequential Code from Concurrent Programs.
Presented at Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES).
Washington, DC, June 11th.
Presented by Jia Zeng
PDF file Compiling Esterel into Static Discrete-Event Code.
Presented at Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming (SLAP).
Barcelona, Spain, March 28th.
Presented by Michael Halas
PDF file High-level Synthesis from the Synchronous Language Esterel.
Presented at SRC Annual Review in System Design.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, March 2nd.
PDF file High-level Synthesis from the Synchronous Language Esterel.
Presented at 2004 MDC Conference.
Columbia University, January 15th.


PDF file The Columbia Esterel Compiler.
Presented at SYNCHRON.
PDF file Overview of research for ACM research fair.
November 21.
PDF file Linux for EDA: Open-source tools.
Presented at ICCAD.
San Jose, California, November.
Tutorial. Also presenting:
43 page PDF File (for Acrobat) Fabio Somenzi, University of Colorado, Debugging and Tuning
24 slide Powerpoint File Tim Marriott and Mel Nicholson, Synopsys, Developing Software on Linux
19 slide Powerpoint File Tom Grotton, Cadence, Grids in EDA Software Development
39 page PDF File (for Acrobat) Ken Crandall and Paul Giordano, Red Hat, Enterprise Solutions and the Future of Linux
PDF file Very short summary of ongoing work.

PDF file Research Areas.
Presented at visitors from Bell Labs.
July 18th.
PDF file Should the space of implementation possibilities....
Presented at MEMOCODE 2003.
Mont Saint-Michel, France, June.
PDF file Making Cyclic Circuits Acyclic.
Presented at 40th Design Automation Conference.
Anaheim, California, June.
PDF file A presentation on the CS department to students deciding their major.
April 14.
PDF file Porting a Network Cryptographic Service to the RMC2000: A Case Study in Embedded Software Development.
Presented at DATE 2003.
Munich, Germany, March.
With Stephen Jan and Paolo de Dios
PDF file A presentation to the external visiting committee on the computer engineering and some of the research going on within.
January 31.
With Steve Nowick, Steve Unger, and Charles Zukowski
PDF file Compiling Esterel.
Presented at University of Pennsylvania.
January 2003.
PDF file High-level Modeling and Validation Methodologies for Embedded Systems: Bridging the Productivity Gap. Part 1: Languages and Models of Computation.
Presented at The 16th International Conference on VLSI Design.
New Delhi, India, January 4-8.


PDF file Research Areas.
Presented at part of the CS Colloquium.
Columbia, December 9.
PDF file Transforming Cyclic Circuits Into Acyclic Ones.
Presented at SYNCHRON.
November 2002.
PDF file Compiling Esterel into Better Circuits and Faster Simulations.
Presented at SYNCHRON.
PDF file System-on-a-chip and the Coming Design Revolution.
An argument for why computing has to evolve to meet the demands of embedded systems
Presented at The Second Annual Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC).
Princeton, New Jersey, November 2002.
PDF file Compiling Esterel into Better Circuits and Faster Simulations.
Presented at Intel.
PDF file Compiling Esterel:
A presentation of existing Esterel compilers, with details of my hardware and software compilers
Presented at Berkeley.
PDF file An Overview of the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Field.
Presented at Yuan Ze University.
Chungli, Taiwan, July.
PDF file Compiling Esterel:
A presentation of my first Esterel compiler along with hardware synthesis work
Presented at Taiwan National University (Taida).
PDF file Language Issues in Designing Future Systems.
Presented at IWLS.
New Orleans, Louisiana, June.
Focus group presentation
PDF file High-level Synthesis from the Synchronous Language Esterel.
Presented at IWLS.
New Orleans, Louisiana, June.
PDF file ESUIF: An Open Esterel Compiler.
Presented at SLAP workshop.
Grenoble, France, April.
PDF file Compiling Esterel: A discussion of my first Esterel compiler along with ongoing work on ESUIF.
Presented at Princeton.
PDF file ESUIF: An Open Esterel Compiler: A work-in-progress description of the ESUIF Esterel compiler.
Presented at IRISA/INRIA.
Rennes, France, March.
PDF file Jobs for CS Graduates: An introduction for new CS students.
Presented at Columbia.


PDF file ESUIF: An Open Esterel Compiler: A work-in-progress description of the ESUIF Esterel compiler.
Presented at Synchronous Languages Workshop.
Schoß Dagstuhl, Germany, December.
PowerPoint File Esterel and Other Projects: A summary of existing Esterel work and future plans.
Presented at Intel.
Portland, Oregon, October.
PowerPoint File Finding Industry Jobs.
Presented at Columbia.
October 3.
PowerPoint File Domain-Specific Languages for Embedded System Development.
Presented at CS Colloquium.
Columbia, September 17.
PowerPoint File Scaling the Abstraction Cliff: High-level Languages for System Design.
Presented at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2001).
Munich, Germany, March.
Tutorial A2. Second half of the presentation was given by Luciano Lavagno


PDF file Synchronous Reactive Systems.
Presented at University of Texas, Austin.


PDF file The SR Domain.
Presented at Schoß Dagstuhl.
Germany, December.
PDF file Heterogenously-Specified Synchronous Controllers.
Presented at Berkeley Industrial Liason Program.
March 14.
PDF file A Short Introduction to Autoconf.
Presented at Berkeley.


PDF file The Specification and Execution of Heterogeneous Synchronous Reactive Systems.
Presented at qualifying examination.
University of California, Berkeley, December 11.
An Introduction to Tcl/Tk.
Presented at Berkeley.

This is a slide projector written in a very old version of Tcl/Tk. It does not work with newer versions.


A trip report on the Second International WWW Conference, Chicago, Illinois.