Class Materials

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  1. 01/12/2021: Intro, approximate counting, Morris algorithm. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  2. 01/14/2021: Approximate counting, intro to hashing and dictionary problem. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  3. 01/19/2021: Universal hashing, perfect hashing. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  4. 01/21/2021: Perfect hashing. Streaming: Distinct elements count. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  5. 01/26/2021: Heavy hitters. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  6. 01/28/2021: Frequency moments: Tug of War sketch. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
      Tug-of-War (AMS sketch): lecture 2 from Jelani Nelson's class.
  7. 02/2/2021: Dimension reduction (JL lemma). notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  8. 02/4/2021: Nearest Neighbor Search: via JL. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  9. 02/9/2021: Nearest Neighbor Search: Locality Sensitive Hashing. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  10. 02/11/2021: Locality Sensitive Hashing. Graphs. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  11. 02/16/2021: Max Flow: Ford-Fulkerson, Max-flow min-cut duality. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  12. 02/18/2021: Max Flow: max width, scaling, and shortest paths. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  13. 02/23/2021: Spectral graph theory: intro. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  14. 02/25/2021: Random walks, largest eigenvalue. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  15. 03/09/2021: Laplacian, drawing graph in 2D. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  16. 03/11/2021: Cheeger inequality, spectral partitioning. Optimization. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  17. 03/16/2021: Linear Programming. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  18. 03/18/2021: Linear Programming (cont). notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  19. 03/23/2021: Linear Programming duality. Start Ellipsoid. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  20. 03/25/2021: Ellipsoid algorithm. Gradient descent. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  21. 03/30/2021: Gradient descent: smoothness, convexity notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  22. 4/1/2021: Strong convexity, Newton's method. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  23. 4/6/2021: Interior point method. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  24. 4/8/2021: Multiplicative Weights Update. notes. scribe in pdf and tex.
  25. 4/13/2021: LP via MWU. Large-scale models: IO model. notes.
  26. 4/15/2021: Large-scale models: cache-oblivious model. notes.

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