
Hassan Akbari Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics

Advisor: Gamze Gursoy

Tariq Alhindi NLP and Speech
Advisor: Smaranda Muresan

Advisor: Luca Carloni

Hammad Ayyubi Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Shih-Fu Chang

Advisor: Luca Carloni

Advisor: Martha Kim

Noah Bergam Machine Learning, Theory
Interests: natural language processing, probability theory, law, robotics, Modernist literature

Advisor: Jeannette Wing

Matthew Beveridge Machine Learning, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Shree Nayar

Debasmita Bhattacharya NLP and Speech
Advisor: Julia Hirschberg

Oliver Biggar Machine Learning, Theory
Advisor: Christos Papadimitriou

Advisor: Gamze Gursoy

Advisor: Henry Yuen

Advisor: Gail Kaiser

Charles Carver Networking, Other
Advisor: Xia Zhou

Advisor: Baishakhi Ray

Advisor: Josh Alman

Advisor: David Knowles

Advisor: Shih-Fu Chang

Advisor: Zhou Yu

Yiru Chen Other
Advisor: Eugene Wu

Honglin Chen Graphics
Advisor: Changxi Zheng

Maximillian Chen Machine Learning, NLP and Speech

Advisor: Julia Hirschberg

Advisor: Luca Carloni

Philippe Chlenski Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: Itsik Pe'er

Advisor: Tal Malkin

Advisor: Clifford Stein

Andrea Clark-Sevilla Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Interests: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Graph Theory, Connectomics

Anthony Culos Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: Mohammed AlQuraishi

Anjali Das Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: David Knowles

Nicholas Deas NLP and Speech

Khushi P Desai Computational Biology, Vision and Robotics
Interests: computer vision, scene reconstruction,

Yangruibo Ding Software Systems

Advisor: Vishal Misra

Advisor: Tim Roughgarden

Thomas D Effland Machine Learning, NLP and Speech
Advisor: Kathleen McKeown
Interests: Machine Learning, NLP, Graphical Models, Deep Learning, Information Extraction, Knowledge Acquisition

Advisor: Toniann Pitassi

Guy Eichler Computer Engineering
Advisor: Luca Carloni

Tamer Eldeeb Software Systems
Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Advisor: Richard Zemel

Advisor: Christos Papadimitriou

Advisor: Eugene Wu

Advisor: Matei Ciocarlie

Advisor: Andrew Blumberg

Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Advisor: Hod Lipson

Advisor: Julia Hirschberg

Huy Ha Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Advisor: Mihalis Yannakakis

Luoyao Hao Networking
Advisor: Henning Schulzrinne

Wei Hao Machine Learning, Software Systems
Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Advisor: Gamze Gursoy

Adam Hastings Computer Engineering, Security and Privacy
Advisor: Simha Sethumadhavan

Shreyas Jayant Havaldar Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Advisor: Elias Bareinboim

Zhanpeng He Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Matei Ciocarlie

Justin Hong Computational Biology, Machine Learning

Advisor: Shih-Fu Chang

Advisor: Eugene Wu

Advisor: Jason Nieh

Advisor: Josh Alman

Advisor: Yunzhu Li

John Hui Software Systems

Advisor: Xia Zhou

Vahab Jabrayilov Networking, Software Systems
Advisor: Kostis Kaffes

Advisor: Brian Smith

Amirkasra Jalaldoust Artificial Intelligence

Anubhav Jangra NLP and Speech
Advisor: Smaranda Muresan

Lukas Jarosch Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: Mohammed AlQuraishi

Advisor: Alexandr Andoni

Advisor: Yunzhu Li

Advisor: Shalmali Joshi

Advisor: Noemie Elhadad

Sweta Karlekar Machine Learning
Advisor: David Blei

Advisor: Simha Sethumadhavan
Interests: Security, Systems, Architecture, Exploit Mitigations

Advisor: Brian Plancher

Mert Ketenci Machine Learning
Advisor: Noemie Elhadad

Gagan Khandate Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics

Advisor: Kenneth Ross

Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Advisor: Shree Nayar

Advisor: Asaf Cidon

Advisor: Henning Schulzrinne

Fei-Tzin Lee NLP and Speech
Advisor: Kathleen McKeown

Kai-Zhan Lee Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Advisor: Mohammed AlQuraishi

Advisor: Xia Zhou

Maxwell Levatich Software Systems, Theory
Advisor: Stephen Edwards

Interests: image/video retrieval and analysis, computer vision

Advisor: Jason Nieh

Xupeng Li Security and Privacy, Software Systems
Advisor: Ronghui Gu

Haoyu Li Software Systems

Advisor: Steven Feiner

Mingxuan Li Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Advisor: Elias Bareinboim

Advisor: Rocco Servedio

Yu Li NLP and Speech
Advisor: Zhou Yu

Siyan Li NLP and Speech
Advisor: Zhou Yu

Kai-Hui Liang NLP and Speech
Advisor: Zhou Yu

Advisor: Kostis Kaffes

Advisor: Mohammed AlQuraishi

Advisor: Noemie Elhadad

Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Vivian Liu Other
Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Yining Liu Computational Biology
Advisor: Andrew Blumberg

Advisor: Eugene Wu

Advisor: Daniel Hsu

Advisor: Roxana Geambasu

Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Advisor: Zhou Yu

Jiawei Ma Graphics, Vision and Robotics
MS from Columbia University, 2019-12-20 Advisor: Shih-Fu Chang
Interests: Few-shot Learning | Representation Learning | Media Forensics

Advisor: Toniann Pitassi

Roland Maio Machine Learning, Other
Advisor: Eugene Wu

Advisor: Elias Bareinboim

Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Advisor: Baishakhi Ray

Daniel Meyer Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: David Knowles

Advisor: Christos Papadimitriou

Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Daniel Mitropolsky NLP and Speech, Theory
Advisor: Christos Papadimitriou

Advisor: Eugene Wu

Todd Morrill Machine Learning, NLP and Speech

Sarah Mundy Machine Learning, Security and Privacy
Advisor: Salvatore Stolfo

Vincent Mutolo Security and Privacy
Advisor: Salvatore Stolfo

Advisor: Henry Yuen

Advisor: David Knowles

Achille Nazaret Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: David Blei

David Nguyen Other
Advisor: Brian Smith

Advisor: Toniann Pitassi

Leo Orshansky Theory
Advisor: Tal Malkin

Advisor: Kostis Kaffes

Advisor: Elias Bareinboim

Advisor: Henry Yuen

Advisor: Martha Kim

Advisor: Liam Paninski

Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Ryan Piersma Computer Engineering, Security and Privacy
Advisor: Simha Sethumadhavan

Advisor: Toniann Pitassi

Advisor: Smaranda Muresan

Advisor: Mohammed AlQuraishi

Kun Qian Machine Learning, NLP and Speech
Advisor: Zhou Yu

Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Advisor: Xia Zhou

Thomas J Repetti Computer Engineering
Advisor: Martha Kim
Interests: Computer architecture, parallel computing, HPC, streaming algorithms, data compression, concurrent data structures, operating systems.

Advisor: Ronghui Gu

Gabriel Ryan Machine Learning, Security and Privacy

Arkadiy Saakyan NLP and Speech
Advisor: Smaranda Muresan

Riya Sahni Other
Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Advisor: Ethan Katz-Bassett

Sebastian Salazar Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Advisor: David Blei

Maico Santos Computer Engineering, Other
Advisor: Luca Carloni

Bettina Schlager Graphics, Other
Advisor: Steven Feiner

Lennart Schulze Machine Learning, Vision and Robotics

Advisor: Dan Rubenstein

Maxwell Segan Machine Learning
Advisor: Hod Lipson

Advisor: Xia Zhou

Advisor: Shree Nayar

Advisor: Jeannette Wing

Advisor: Julia Hirschberg

Raphael Sofaer Software Systems
Advisor: Jason Nieh

Andrew Stirn Computational Biology, Machine Learning

Adam Storek Machine Learning, Security and Privacy

Melanie Sangita Subbiah Artificial Intelligence, NLP and Speech
Advisor: Kathleen McKeown

Advisor: Richard Zemel

Advisor: Eugene Wu

Hideaki Takahashi Machine Learning, Security and Privacy
Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Arghamitra Talukder Computational Biology, Machine Learning
Advisor: Itsik Pe'er

Purva Tendulkar Machine Learning, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Pierre Tholoniat Security and Privacy

Matthew Toles Artificial Intelligence, NLP and Speech
Advisor: Zhou Yu

Gabriele Tombesi Computer Engineering, Machine Learning
Advisor: Luca Carloni

Gabriele Tombesi Computer Engineering, Machine Learning

Advisor: Junfeng Yang

Advisor: Luca Carloni

Basile Van Hoorick Machine Learning, Vision and Robotics

Advisor: Lydia Chilton

Sky Wang Artificial Intelligence, NLP and Speech

Haoda Wang Security and Privacy, Software Systems
Advisor: Asaf Cidon

Haonan Wang Other
Advisor: Eugene Wu

Yixuan Wang Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Yunzhu Li

Advisor: Zhou Yu

Advisor: Elias Bareinboim

Advisor: Carl Vondrick

Advisor: Xia Zhou

Benjamin Yang Graphics, Vision and Robotics

Je Yang Computer Engineering
Advisor: Luca Carloni

Advisor: Rocco Servedio

Advisor: Ronghui Gu

Advisor: Shih-Fu Chang

Advisor: Gil Zussman

Fanqi Yu Software Systems
Advisor: Jason Nieh

Hantao Yu Machine Learning, Theory
Advisor: Josh Alman

Ioannis Zarkadas Software Systems
Advisor: Asaf Cidon

Hengjie Zhang Theory
Advisor: Alexandr Andoni

Advisor: Kathleen McKeown

Kaifeng Zhang Machine Learning, Vision and Robotics
Advisor: Yunzhu Li

Advisor: Alexandr Andoni

Carolina Zheng Machine Learning
Advisor: David Blei

Ziyuan Zhong Machine Learning, Software Systems

Yuhong Zhong Software Systems
Advisor: Asaf Cidon

Advisor: Ethan Katz-Bassett