Picture taken by Anna Beloborodova

Huy Ha
huy at cs dot columbia dot edu

I'm a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, specializing in robotic perception and manipulation. I'm fortunate to be advised by Professor Shuran Song and to be a member of the Robotics & Embodied Artificial Intelligence Lab (REAL) @ Stanford.

In my non-existent freetime, I take photos, train dogs, and care for my 20 plants. I'm a proud dog dad of two beautiful boys, Mo and Oliver. They are my whole world.

CV / Github / Youtube / Google Scholar



Scaling Up and Distilling Down: Language-Guided Robot Skill Acquisition

Huy Ha, Pete Florence, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023)
LangRob Workshop (CoRL 2023), Oral Presentation
Cognitive Science & Robot Learning Workshop (CoRL 2023), Oral Presentation
ArXiv, Website, Github

Cloth Funnels: Canonicalized-Alignment for Multi-Purpose Garment Manipulation

Alper Canberk, Cheng Chi, Huy Ha, Benjamin Burchfiel, Eric Cousineau, Siyuan Feng, Shuran Song
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)
ArXiv, Website, Github

Bag All You Need: Learning a Generalizable Bagging Strategy for Heterogeneous Objects

Arpit Bahety*, Shreeya Jain*, Huy Ha, Nathalie Hager, Benjamin Burchfiel, Eric Cousineau, Siyuan Feng, Shuran Song
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023)
ArXiv, Website, Github

Semantic Abstraction: Open-World 3D Scene Understanding from 2D Vision-Language Models

Huy Ha, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)
ArXiv, Website, Github

FlingBot: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Dynamic Manipulations for Cloth Unfolding

Huy Ha, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2021), Best System Paper, Oral Presentation
ArXiv, Website, Github, Video

Learning a Decentralized Multi-Arm Motion Planner

Huy Ha, Jingxi Xu, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2020)
ArXiv, Website, Github, Video

Fit2Form: 3D Generative Model for Robot Gripper Form Design

Huy Ha*, Shubham Agrawal*, Shuran Song
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2020)
ArXiv, Website, Github, Video

* indicates equal contribution, WALL-E & EVE mesh by AurlC

Other projects

Coevolution of Morphology and Policy Implicit Neural Functions

Huy Ha
Website, Github

Deep Bisimulation Dreaming: Combating Distractions with State Abstractions

Huy Ha, Sian Lee-Kitt, William Zheng

Temporal Difference Learning Is Not All You Need

Huy Ha, Sian Lee-Kitt