Brian Smith received an NSF CAREER Award to develop a framework that will improve digital imagery so that blind and low-vision (BLV) individuals can better perceive and interact with visual content in the digital realm.
Roboticist’s proposed framework to enable robots to learn on their own and adapt to new environments could revolutionize everything from home service robots to emergency response systems.
The theoretical computer scientist will use the award to push the boundaries of quantum information science.
Assistant Professor Carl Vondrick has won the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development award for his proposal program to develop machine perception systems that robustly detect and track objects even when they disappear from sight, thereby enabling machines to build spatial awareness of their surroundings.
Wu will develop new tools for user-friendly data visualization.
Jana’s proposal aims to improve security, reliability and robustness of infrastructure software.
His award will be used to explore data structures and information retrieval