Breadth Requirements
All students must complete the 4 course Breadth Requirement. To fulfill this requirement, take 1 course from Group 1 (Systems), 1 course from Group 2 (Theory), 1 course from Group 3 (AI and Applications), and 1 more course from any of the three approved lists for a total of 4 courses.
Only the courses listed in the table below may be used for Breadth. Exceptions to the table below will not be made. 6000-level courses cannot be used for Breadth.
The only joint-CS courses permitted are as specified below; all other breadth courses must be strictly “COMS.” Regardless of the course number, courses labeled “certificate only” or named “xxx for Data Science” or similar may not be applied to the MS breadth requirement.
Breadth courses may overlap with a required track or track/general elective course. Refer to your track page for more details. For a course overlap to be possible, the course must be listed on your track page and in the chart below. Please be advised that all students will still need 30 credits to complete the CSMS degree. All breadth courses must be taken at Columbia and cannot be waived or substituted with non-Columbia courses. If you have been approved for Advanced Standing, these credits can be applied to your Breadth requirements.
Group | Approved Courses |
1. Systems |
2. Theory |
3. AI & Applications |