I am an associate professor in the department of computer science at Columbia University. My primary research interests are at the intersection of computer security and machine learning. More specifically, I am interested both in using machine learning to improve software security and in improving security and reliability of the machine learning models themselves. I also occasionally delve into software engineering and operating systems.
Email: suman (AT) cs.columbia.edu
Office: Mudd 412
500 W 120th St
New York
NY 10027
Fall 2024: Security I (COMS W4181),
Spring 2024: Program Approx. & Reasoning (COMS E6998),
Fall 2023: Security I (COMS W4181),
Spring 2023: Program Analysis for Security (COMS W4195),
Fall 2022: Security I (COMS W4181),
Fall 2021: Security I (COMS W4181),
Spring 2021: Security II (COMS W4182),
Spring 2020: Continuous Logic Networks (COMS E6998),
Fall 2019: Security I (COMS W4181), Spring 2019: COMS E6998, Fall 2018: Security I (COMS W4181),
Fall 2017: Security Arch. & Eng. (COMS W4187) , Spring 2017: Secure Software Development: Theory and Practice (COMS W4995),
Spring 2016: Advanced Topics in Network Security (COMS E6183).
Symmetry-Preserving Program Representations for Learning Code Semantics.
K. Pei, W. Li, Q. Jin, S. Liu, S. Geng, L. Cavallaro, J. Yang, and S. Jana. ICML 2024 Spotlight -
Trustllm: Trustworthiness in large language models.
L. Sun, Y. Huang, H. Wang, S. Wu, Q. Zhang, C. Gao, Y. Huang, et al. ICML 2024 -
FOX: Coverage-guided Fuzzing as Online Stochastic Control.
D. She, A. Storek, Y. Xie, S. Kweon, P. Srivastava, and S. Jana. CCS 2024 -
PatchCURE: Improving Certifiable Robustness, Model Utility, and Computation Efficiency of Adversarial Patch Defenses.
C. Xiang, T. Wu, .S Dai, J. Petit, S. Jana,and P. Mittal. USENIX Security 2024 -
Accurate Data Race Prediction in the Linux Kernel through Sparse Fourier Learning.
G. Ryan, B. Cetin, Y. Lim, and S. Jana. OOPSLA 2024 -
Beyond accuracy: Evaluating self-consistency of code large language models with IdentityChain.
M. Min, Y. Ding, L. Buratti, S. Pujar, G. Kaiser, S. Jana, and B. Ray. ICLR 2024
FreePart: Hardening Data Processing Software via Framework-based Partitioning and Isolation.
A. Ahad, G. Wang, C.H. Kim, S. Jana, Z. Li, and Y. Kwon. ASPLOS 2023 -
Precise Detection of Kernel Data Races with Probabilistic Lockset Analysis.
G. Ryan, A. Shah, D. She, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2023 -
Learning Approximate Execution Semantics from Traces for Binary Function Similarity.
K. Pei, Z. Xuan, J. Yang, S. Jana, and B. Ray. TSE 2023
General Cutting Planes for Bound-Propagation-Based Neural Network Verification.
H. Zhang, S. Wang, K. Xu, L. Li, B. Li, S. Jana, C.J. Hsieh, and Z. Kolter. NeuRIPS 2022
Winner of VNN-COMP'22 -
MC2: Rigorous and Efficient Directed Greybox Fuzzing.
A. Shah, D. She, S. Sadhu, K. Singal, P. Coffman, and S. Jana. CCS 2022
Best Paper Award Honorable Mention -
NeuDep: Neural Binary Memory Dependence Analysis.
K. Pei, D. She, M. Wang, S. Geng, Z. Xuan, Y. David, J. Yang, S. Jana, and B. Ray. FSE 2022 -
A Branch and Bound Framework for Stronger Adversarial Attacks of ReLU Networks.
H. Zhang, S. Wang, K. Xu, Y. Wang, S. Jana, C.J. Hsieh, Z. Kolter. ICML 2022 -
Effective Seed Scheduling for Fuzzing with Graph Centrality Analysis.
D. She, A. Shah, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2022 -
FUGIO: Automatic Exploit Generation for PHP Object Injection Vulnerabilities.
S. Park, D. Kim, S. Jana, and S. Son. USENIX Security 2022
Beta-CROWN: Efficient Bound Propagation with Per-neuron Split Constraints for Neural Network Robustness Verification.
S. Wang, H. Zhang, K. Xu, X. Lin, S. Jana, C.J. Hsieh, Z. Kolter. NeuRIPS 2021
Winner of VNN-COMP'21 -
Learning Security Classifiers with Verified Global Robustness Properties.
Y. Chen, S. Wang, Y. Qin, X. Liao, S. Jana, and D. Wagner. CCS 2021
Best Paper Award Runner-Up -
StateFormer: Fine-Grained Type Recovery from Binaries using Generative State Modeling.
K. Pei, J. Guan, M. Broughton, Z. Chen, S. Yao, D. Williams-King, V. Ummadisetty, J. Yang, B. Ray, and S. Jana. FSE 2021 -
DistAI: Data-Driven Automated Invariant Learning for Distributed Protocols.
J. Yao, R. Tao, R. Gu, J. Nieh, S. Jana, and G. Ryan. OSDI 2021
OSDI Jay Lepreau best paper award
Fast and Complete: Enabling Complete Neural Network Verification with Rapid and Massively Parallel Incomplete Verifiers.
K. Xu, H. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Jana, X. Lin, and C.J. Hsieh. ICLR 2021
Fine Grained Dataflow Tracking with Proximal Gradients.
G. Ryan, A. Shah, D. She, K.Bhat, and S. Jana. USENIX Security 2021
Cost-Aware Robust Tree Ensembles for Security Applications.
Y. Chen, S. Wang, W. Jiang, A. Cidon, and S. Jana. USENIX Security 2021
AdCube: WebVR Ad Fraud and Practical Confinement of Third-Party Ads.
H. Lee, J. Lee, D. Kim, S. Jana, I. Shin, and S. Son. USENIX Security 2021
XDA: Accurate, Robust Disassembly with Transfer Learning.
K. Pei, J. Guan, D. Williams-King, J. Yang, and S. Jana. NDSS 2021
HYDRA: Pruning Adversarially Robust Neural Networks.
V. Sehwag, S. Wang, P. Mittal, and S. Jana. NeuRIPS 2020. -
Ensuring Fairness Beyond the Training Data.
D. Mandal, S. Deng, S. Jana, J. Wing, and D. Hsu. NeuRIPS 2020. -
MTFuzz: Fuzzing with a Multi-Task Neural Network.
D. She, R. Krishna, L. Yuan, S. Jana, and B. Ray. FSE 2020. -
Learning Nonlinear Loop Invariants with Gated Continuous Logic Networks.
J.Yao, G. Ryan, J. Wong, S. Jana, and R. Gu. PLDI 2020. -
CLN2INV: Learning Loop Invariants with Continuous Logic Networks.
G. Ryan, J. Wong, J. Yao, R. Gu, and S. Jana. ICLR 2020. -
On Training Robust PDF Malware Classifiers.
Y. Chen, S. Wang, D. She, and S. Jana. USENIX Security 2020. -
Neutaint: Efficient Dynamic Taint Analysis with Neural Networks.
D. She, Y. Chen, A. Shah, B. Ray, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2020.
NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing.
D. She, K. Pei, D. Epstein, J. Yang, B. Ray, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2019. [NEUZZ code] Finalist in 2019 NYU CSAW Applied Research Competition -
Certified Robustness to Adversarial Examples with Differential Privacy
M. Lecuyer, V. Atlidakis, R. Geambasu, D. Hsu, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2019. (corrects error in proceedings version) [PixelDP code] -
Enhancing Gradient-based Attacks with Symbolic Intervals
S. Wang, Y. Chen, A. Abdou, S. Jana. ICML Workshop on Security and Privacy of Machine Learning 2019 (Oral presentation).
Efficient Formal Safety Analysis of Neural Networks.
S. Wang, K. Pei, J. Whitehouse, J. Yang, and S. Jana. NIPS 2018. [Neurify code] -
MoonShine: Optimizing OS Fuzzer Seed Selection with Trace Distillation.
S. Pailoor, A. Aday, and S. Jana. USENIX Security 2018. [MoonShine code, MoonShine integration with Syzkaller] -
Formal Security Analysis of Neural Networks using Symbolic Intervals.
S. Wang, K. Pei, J. Whitehouse, J. Yang, and S. Jana. USENIX Security 2018. [ReluVal code] -
DeepTest: Automated Testing of Deep-Neural-Network-driven Autonomous Cars.
Y. Tian, K. Pei, S. Jana, and B. Ray. ICSE 2018. [DeepTest code]
DeepXplore: Automated Whitebox Testing of Deep Learning Systems.
K. Pei, Y. Cao, J. Yang, and S. Jana. SOSP 2017. [DeepXplore code]
SOSP 2017 Best Paper Award, CACM Research Highlight 2019Publicity:
IEEE spectrum,
the morning paper,
The Fortelix Blog,
The Spider's Web.
SlowFuzz: Automated Domain-Independent Detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities.
T. Petsios, J. Zhao, A. D. Keromytis, and S. Jana. CCS 2017. -
NEZHA: Efficient Domain-independent Differential Testing.
T. Petsios, A. Tang, S. Stolfo, A. D. Keromytis, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2017. [Bibtex, Nezha code] 2nd place in 2017 NYU CSAW Applied Research Competition -
HVLearn: Automated Black-box Analysis of Hostname Verification in SSL/TLS Implementations.
S. Sivakorn, G. Argyros, K. Pei, A. D. Keromytis, and S. Jana. S&P (Oakland) 2017. [Bibtex, HVLearn code]
SFADiff: Automated Evasion Attacks and Fingerprinting Using Blackbox Differential Automata Learning.
G. Argyros, I. Stais, S. Jana, A. D. Keromytis, and A. Kiayias. CCS 2016. [Bibtex, lightbulb framework code] -
APEx: Automated Inference of Error Specifications for C APIs.
Y. J. Kang, B. Ray, and S. Jana. ASE 2016. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx), APEx code] -
Automatically Detecting Error Handling Bugs using Error Specifications.
S. Jana, Y. J. Kang, S. Roth, and B. Ray. USENIX Security 2016. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx), EPEx code]
Recommendations for Randomness in the Operating System or, How to Keep Evil Children out of Your Pool and Other Random Facts.
H. Corrigan-Gibbs and S. Jana. HotOS 2015. [Bibtex] -
No Escape From Reality: Security and Privacy of Augmented Reality Browsers.
R. McPherson, S. Jana, and V. Shmatikov. WWW 2015. [Bibtex] -
Rethinking Security of Web-Based System Applications.
M. Georgiev, S. Jana, and V. Shmatikov. WWW 2015. [Bibtex]
Password Managers: Attacks and Defenses.
D. Silver, S. Jana, E. Chen, C. Jackson, and D. Boneh. USENIX Security 2014. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx)] Publicity: Reddit, Schneier on Security, Learning Tree, Mac Performance Guide. -
Using Frankencerts for Automated Adversarial Testing of Certificate Validation in SSL/TLS Implementations.
C. Brubaker, S. Jana, B. Ray, S. Khurshid, and V. Shmatikov. S&P (Oakland) 2014. [Bibtex, Frankencert code, Slides(pptx)]
S&P 2014 Best Practical Paper Award. Publicity: Reddit, Golem, Heise. -
Breaking and Fixing Origin-Based Access Control in Hybrid Web/Mobile Application Frameworks.
M. Georgiev, S. Jana, and V. Shmatikov. NDSS 2014. [Bibtex, NoFrak code, Apache Cordova integration, Slides(pdf)]
Enabling Fine-Grained Permissions for Augmented Reality Applications With Recognizers.
S. Jana, D. Molnar, A. Moshchuk, A. M. Dunn, B. Livshits, H. J. Wang, and E. Ofek. Usenix Security 2013. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx)] -
A Scanner Darkly: Protecting User Privacy from Perceptual Applications.
S. Jana, A. Narayanan, and V. Shmatikov. S&P (Oakland) 2013. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx), Our freedom to tinker post]
2014 PET Award Winner. Publicity: VPN Creative, Alcalde. -
Operating System Support for Augmented Reality Applications.
L. D'Antoni, A. Dunn, S. Jana, T. Kohno, B. Livshits, D. Molnar, A. Moshchuk, E. Ofek, F. Roesner, S. Saponas, M. Veanes, and H. J. Wang. HotOS 2013. [Bibtex]
Memento: Learning Secrets from Process Footprints.
S. Jana and V. Shmatikov. S&P (Oakland) 2012. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx)]
S&P 2012 Best Student Paper Award. Publicity: CACM, Mocana. -
Abusing File Processing in Malware Detectors for Fun and Profit.
S. Jana and V. Shmatikov. S&P (Oakland) 2012. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx)] -
The Most Dangerous Code in the World: Validating SSL Certificates
in Non-Browser Software.
M. Georgiev, S. Iyengar, S. Jana, R. Anubhai, D. Boneh, and V. Shmatikov. CCS 2012. [FAQ, Bibtex]
2012 NYU-Poly AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award. Publicity: Ars Technica, Threatpost, Hacker News, Slashdot, Schneier, Reddit, LWN.net, The H, SC Magazine, Softpedia, Heise, it republik, Webwereld, Security.nl, Punto Informatico, root.cz, xakep.ru, SecurityLab.ru. -
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Machine: Protecting Privacy with Ephemeral Channels.
A. M. Dunn, M. Z. Lee, S. Jana, S. Kim, M. Silberstein, Y. Xu, V. Shmatikov, and E. Witchel. OSDI 2012. [Bibtex, Slides(pptx)]
2013 PET Award Runner-up.
2011 and older
TxBox: Building Secure, Efficient Sandboxes with System Transactions.
S. Jana, D. E. Porter, and V. Shmatikov. S&P (Oakland) 2011. [Bibtex, Slides( keynote, quicktime, pdf)] -
EVE: Verifying Correct Execution of Cloud-Hosted Web Applications.
S. Jana and V. Shmatikov. HotCloud 2011. [Bibtex, Slides(keynote, quicktime, pdf)] -
On the Effectiveness of Secret Key Extraction from Wireless Signal Strength in Real Environments.
S. Jana, S. N. Premnath, M. Clark, S. K. Kasera, N. Patwari, and S. V. Krishnamurthy. MOBICOM 2009. [Bibtex, Slides(pdf)] -
On Fast and Accurate Detection of Unauthorized Wireless Access Points Using Clock Skews.
S. Jana and S. K. Kasera. MOBICOM 2008. [Bibtex, Slides( pdf )]
PhD: Kexin Pei (co-advised with Junfeng Yang), Shiqi Wang, Dongdong She, Gabriel Ryan, Abhishek Shah.
- Postdoc: Yizheng Chen
- BS: Ruoxin (Amy) Jiang (CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Honorable Mentionee in 2017), Joshua Michael Zweig, Daniel Schwartz, John Hui, Jason Zhao, and Justin A. Whitehouse (CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Honorable Mentionee in 2018).
- Student collaborators: George Argyros, Yuan Jochen Kang, Theofilos Petsios, Suphannee Sivakorn, and Adrian Tang.
Security advisories & open source outreach
Our research has resulted in reporting and fixing of more than 250 high-impact security vulnerabilities across a wide range of software.Recent awards & honors
- 2021 OSDI best paper award
- 2019 NSF CAREER Award
- 2019 CACM Research Highlight
- 2018 ARO Young Investigator Award
- 2nd and 3rd places in 2018 NYU CSAW Applied Research Competition
- 2017 SOSP best paper award
- 2017 Google Faculty Research Award
- 2nd place in 2017 NYU CSAW Applied Research Competition
- 2014 PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- IEEE S&P 2014 Best Practical Paper Award
- Runner-up for the 2013 PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- IEEE S&P 2012 Best Student Paper Award
- 2012 NYU-Poly AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award
- Google U.S./Canada Fellowship in Security (2012-2014)
- MCD Fellowship (2009-2012)