Introduction to Accounts

Introduction to CS Accounts

  • CS accounts are optional for some CS courses. However, courses like Operating Systems require that you have a valid CS account.
  • CS accounts give you access to Linux/UNIX workstations in the CLIC lab and CS cluster machines.
  • You’ll have an email account: (Accounts which are not of typ e “Faculty”, “Adjunct”, “Administrative Staff”, “CS MS-PhD Student” or “CS PhD Student” NO LONGE R include an email address
  • You’ll be able to print to CS Department printers.
  • For Undergraduate and MS students, you’ll have storage space of 250 MB on the Netapp fileserver. Netapps have snapshot capabilities, and you can read about it HERE. (To find out how to recover files from snapshot, read THIS).
  • PhD students get 1 GB of storage, and the CS accounts are sponsored by your advisor. (You don’t have to pay the accounts fee.)