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Homework Set 1
Homework Set 2
Homework Set 3
Topics in Graph Theory (COMS 6204)
-- SPRING 2010
Lecture 1 - Computer-Graphics Models for Woven Images on Surfaces
Lecture 2 - Minimum and Maximum Genus
Lecture 3 - Genus Distribution of a Graph
Lecture 4 - Algorithm for a Genus Distribution of 3-Regular Outerplanar Graphs
Lecture 5 - Automorphisms
Lecture 6 - Cayley Graphs
Lectures 7,8a - A Celtic Framework for Knots and Links
Lecture 8b,9a - Knots and Graphs
Lecture 9b,10a - Alexander-Conway and Jones Polynomials
Lecture 10 - MAPS - PART A
P5 P6 P19 P23 P29
Lecture 11 - MAPS - PART B