The lectures and readings listed here are subject to change, including in response to current events (i.e., major news items).

Tuesday, September 03
Steve, Evan, Jay

Introduction to computer security and the perspectives of the problems and solutions seen from technology, policy, and law.
Tuesday, September 10
Cryptography Tutorial
Steve (Jay and Evan optional)

Concepts to cover: More detailed conversation to ensure a common knowledge amongst the students on deeper topics including:
  • What is cryptography?
  • Symmetric and public key cryptography
  • Public key infrastructure, certificates, and digital signatures
  • Authentication
  • The role of bugs in computer (in)security
Tuesday, September 17
Evan (Steve and Jay optional)
Students form into groups
Focus on the Easterbrook and Kosseff articles and review the other ones.
Tuesday, September 24
Cyber Preparedness and Cyber Critical Infrastructure Protection
Evan or Evan and Jay (Steve probably absent)
Evan’s “regulatory requirements” section plus new material on ISACs, ISAOs, CISA

  • Identifying critical infrastructure
  • Government/private partnerships
  • ISACs, ISAOs, etc.
  • Legal framework
Tuesday, October 01
Attribution; Open Discussion
Jay and Evan; Steve absent
Tuesday, October 08
Incident Response
Evan and Jay (Steve optional)
Evan’s “incident response” section plus Jay’s “incident response at the national level”
Thursday, October 10
Homework due:
Tuesday, October 15
Understanding Cyber Conflict
Jay (Evan and Steve optional)

This class will cover some history of cyber conflict and important topics such as attribution and the advantages and dangers of cyber conflict.
Tuesday, October 22
Open Discussion or Wargame
  • Possibly invite one or more speakers for first hour
  • Student groups discuss and decide paper topics in second hour
Tuesday, October 29
Homework due:
  • Paper Topic (Group Paper Topic)

US Cyber Conflict Strategy: Persistent Engagement
Jay (Evan and Steve optional)
Tuesday, November 05
Fall Break—no class
Tuesday, November 12
Homework due:

Cryptography and Exceptional Access
Steve (Evan and Jay optional)
Invite Dan Richman

  • What rights and responsibilities do law enforcement have to devices and communications?
  • What rights and responsibilities do individual citizens have?
  • How will this be affected by new technologies?
  • What are the trade-offs between computer security and societal security? How do these choices affect privacy and innovation?
  • What is the "right" mix? Can there be one?
Tuesday, November 19
Homework due:
  • Scoping paper (Group paper)

Steve and Evan (Jay optional)

  • International law on espionage
  • Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
  • PCLOB reports on Sections 215 and 702
  • What rights and responsibilities do law enforcement have to devices and communications?
Tuesday, November 26
Collective Defense, International Law, and Norms
Evan and Jay (Steve optional)
Tuesday, December 03
Group Presentations
Steve, Evan, Jay
Invite Rattray and members of NY Cyber Task Force to help judge presentations
Tuesday, December 17
Homework due:
  • Final paper (Group paper)