Hassan H. Malik

I was a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University in New York City, advised by Professor John Kender. He is a great teacher!

My PhD research focused on investigating novel techniques to mine, cluster, and classify high-dimensional data, with a focus on document and image collections. I now work as VP, Head of Text Metadata Services at Thomson Reuters in NYC, where I lead a corporate research and development group that develops and maintains platforms and products that extract and resolve named entities, classify documents, extract facts and events, and enable entity-centric content analysis and decision support for use cases in financial, legal, scientific and other domains. Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, I was a Research Scientist in the Integrated Data Systems department at Siemens Corporate Research in Priceton, NJ. In the past, I managed a large engineering team at Liberty Travel (now Flight Center) in Mahwah NJ, and also worked as a senior member of enginering team at Tibco Software in Palo Alto, CA.



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