trans The Columbia X-Cultural Deception Corpus
Department of Computer Science - Columbia University

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NEO-FFI Personality Assessment

The NEO-FFI personality assessment that was given to the subjects is based on the five-factor model of personality: an empirically derived and comprehensive taxonomy of personality traits. It is used to assess the five personality dimensions of:

Openness to Experience

This dimension is designed to capture aesthetic sensitivity, and intellectual curiosity. Subjects that score low on this dimension prefer the familiar and tend to behave more conventionally. People that are rated as high in Openness are “willing to entertain novel ideas and unconventional values”.


This dimension addresses individual differences in self-control; it measures contrasts between determination, organization, and self-discipline and laxness, disorganization, and carelessness.


This dimension is meant to capture proclivity for interpersonal interactions, and variation in sociability. Extroversion reflects contrasts between subjects who are reserved vs. outgoing, quiet vs. talkative, and active vs. retiring.


This dimension measures interpersonal tendencies; it is intended to assess an individual’s fundamental altruism. Subjects that rate highly in this dimension are sympathetic to others and expect others to feel similarly.


This dimension is intended to capture differences between subjects who are prone to worry vs. calm, emotional vs. unemotional behavior, and vulnerable vs. hardy. It contrasts emotional stability with maladjustment