COMS W4187: Security Architecture & Engineering (Fall 2017)

Lecture Details

Instructor: Suman Jana
Office: Mudd 412
Office hours: Monday (4-6 pm) or by appointment
TA Office hours: Plaban Mohanty(pm2878 AT Tuesday & Thursday (5-6:30 pm) CS IA room
Classroom: Mudd 545
Class hours: Monday and Wednesday (2:40-3:55 pm)


This class will teach you different concepts and tools for building secure systems. We will start from the fundamentals of computer security and cryptography. Next, we will examine how these concepts are implemented in modern systems. Finally, we will demonstrate how common mistakes made by the developers undermine the security of deployed real-world systems and describe how to avoid making such mistakes.

Note:There will be no assigned textbook for the class and you are expected to read the assigned articles/papers/slides carefully.


There is no formal prerequisite for this class but you should be generally comfortable to deal with complex large source code (> 1000 lines of C/C++ code) and have basic knowledge of testing/debugging tools like gdb, gcov, etc. Feel free to send me an email if you have any specific questions.


Both midterm and final will be open-notes but no internet access will be allowed.


Date Topics Lecture slides & Reading
Sep 6 Introduction intro.pptx, intro.pdf
Sep 11 Principle of least privilege/Access control principles.pptx, principles.pdf
Reading materials: SetUID demystified, Operating Systems Security (Chapter 4), qmail security architecture
Sep 13 Principle of least privilege/Access control (cntd.)
Sep 18 Principle of least privilege/Access control (cntd.) PA1 is posted in CourseWorks and is due by 11:59pm on 27th Sep.
Sep 20 Sandboxing & Isolation isolation.pptx, isolation.pdf
Reading materials: Traps and Pitfalls: Practical Problems in System Call Interposition Based Security Tools, Efficient Software-Based Fault Isolation
Sep 25 Sandboxing & Isolation (cntd.)
Sep 27 Authentication authentication.pdf
Reading materials: Password security: a case history, The Limits of SMS for 2-Factor Authentication
Oct 2 Cryptography basics crypto_summary.ppt, crypto_summary.pdf
Reading materials: Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World 2nd ed. by Kaufman et al. (Chapters 5.1-2, 5.6-7, 2.1-6, 4.2, and 6.1-6)
PA2 is posted in CourseWorks and is due by 11:59pm on 11th Oct.
Oct 4 Cryptography basics (cntd.)
Oct 9 Cryptography basics (cntd.)
Oct 11 Cryptography basics (cntd.) PA3 is posted in Courseworks and is due by 11:59pm on 20th Oct.
Oct 16 Cryptography basics (cntd.)
Oct 18 How crypto goes wrong in practice? crypto_fails.ppt, crypto_fails.pdf
Oct 23 SSL/TLS ssl.ppt, ssl.pdf
Reading materials: Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World 2nd ed. by Kaufman et al. (Chapters 15.1-7 and 19)
PA4 is posted in Courseworks and is due by 11:59pm on 27th Oct.
Oct 25 SSL/TLS (cntd.)
Oct 30 Midterm
Nov 1 Midterm
Nov 6 No class (Academic Holiday)
Nov 8 SSL/TLS (cntd.)
Nov 13 SSL/TLS (cntd.) PA5 is posted in Courseworks and is due by 11:59pm on 22nd Nov.
Nov 15 Memory corruption attacks memory_attacks.pptx, memory_attacks.pdf
Additional reading: Buffer Overflows: Attacks and Defenses for the Vulnerability of the Decade
Basic integer overflows
Nov 20 Memory corruption attacks (cntd.)
Nov 22 No class (Academic Holiday)
Nov 27 Crypto application: Bitcoin bitcoin.pdf
Reading materials: How the bitcoin protocol actually works by J. Moller
Nov 29 Viruses and rootkits malware.ppt, malware.pdf
Dec 4 Viruses and rootkits (cntd.)
Dec 6 Final exam
Dec 11 Final exam