Homework 0 (not collected or graded): Object Store
This provides an early start on the semester project. Assorted security features and requirements will be added during the semester.
Homework 1: Due Monday, September 29
Add Access Control Lists to the object store.

There is a detailed example of the required syntax here; also see the sample data files here and here.

Program 2: Due Wednesday, October 27
Use a privileged program to access the object store. You will need to use a virtual machine for this assignment. You either have or will shortly receive your VM assignment from Jill.
Written 2: Due Wednesday, October 27
Explain how to test the security behavior of both setuid and message-passing approaches.
Program 3: Due Monday, November 17
Add encryption to the homework 2 program.
Program 4: Due Wednesday, December 3
Find a security hole in a program, learn the secret contents of a file, and document what you did.

Make sure you read the guidelines before submission!