The attached userfile contains group membership entries for each user according to the instructions in HW 0. Using that file for our test cases, here are some sample test cases: 1) create an object name doc with the contents of testfile $ cat testfile this is a test file $ ./objput -u u1 -g g1 doc < testfile 2) print the object to stdout $ ./objget -u u1 -g g1 doc this is a testfile 3) list the objects of u1 $ ./objlist -u u1 doc 4) print the acl for doc to stdout $ ./objgetacl -u u1 -g g1 doc rwxpv 5) create a new acl for doc $ cat newacl u1.* r $ ./objsetacl -u u1 -g g1 doc < newacl 6) test doc's acl for read permission $ ./objtestacl -u u1 -g g3 -a r doc allowed 7) test doc's acl for execute permission $ ./objtestacl -u u1 -g g3 -a x doc denied