Stefan Benus' research

Optimality Theory and Phonetics-Phonology Interface
[Lincom Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 40]

Muenchen: Lincom, 2009, 151pp [ISBN: 978-38-9586-395-0]
Peer-review on the Linguist List is here

Výučba výslovnosti cudzích jazykov
pomocou porovnávacej akustickej analyzy

Beňuš, Š., Bírová, J., Chebenová V., Molnárová, A.
Nitra: UKF, 2010 [ISBN: 978-80-8094-741-5]
Kontaktujte ma v prípade záujmu o knihu


Phonetics-Phonology Interface


Other projects

Relationship between humanities and natural sciences

With Gregory Ward, Elisa Sneed, Agustin Gravano and Julia Hirschberg we are investigating the interplay of prosody and semantics in the contrast between 'That would be ...' and 'That is ...' constructions.

Focus Domain Neutralization and Sentence Stress, abstract (pdf)