ZeRØ: Zero-Overhead Resilient Operation Under Pointer Integrity Attacks


A large class of today’s systems require high levels of availability and security. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art security solutions tend to induce crashes and raise exceptions when under attack, trading off availability for security. In this work, we propose ZeRØ, a pointer integrity mechanism that can continue program execution even when under attack. ZeRØ proposes unique memory instructions and a novel metadata encoding scheme to protect code and data pointers. The combination of instructions and metadata allows ZeRØ to avoid explicitly tagging every word in memory, eliminating performance overheads. Moreover, ZeRØ is a deterministic security primitive that requires minor microarchitectural changes. We show that ZeRØ is better than commercially available state-of-the-art hardware primitives, e.g., ARM’s Pointer Authentication (PAC), by a significant margin. ZeRØ incurs zero performance overheads on the SPEC CPU2017 benchmarks, and our VLSI measurements show low power and area overheads.

In the 48th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
