I am a professor of Statistics and Computer Science at Columbia University. I am also a member of the Columbia Data Science Institute. I work in the fields of machine learning and Bayesian statistics.

See my CV and publications.

My research interests include:

Here are three recent talks:

Most of our publications are attached to open-source software. See our GitHub page.

Machine Learning at Columbia

Columbia has a thriving machine learning community, with many faculty and researchers across departments. The Machine Learning at Columbia mailing list is a good source of information about talks and other events on campus. (To subscribe, send email to machine-learning-columbia+subscribe@googlegroups.com.)


In Spring 2024 I am co-teaching Field Experiments, Machine Learning, and Causality with Don Green.

All my courses are here.

Office hours

During the academic year I hold weekly office hours in 430 Mudd. Coming to my office hours is easier than using email to make an appointment.

Research group

Students and postdocs:

Former students and postdocs: