COMS W4118 Spring 2008: Homework Assignment 5

Last Updated Apr 19th 2008

Due Friday, April 25th at 11:59 PM

This homework consists of two components: written assignment and programming assignment.  Each is to be submitted via Courseworks.

The written components of the assignment is to be done alone, not in teams.  Discussion is encouraged but collaboration is not allowed.

The programming assignment is to be done in assigned groups.  If you are unsure about your group contact the professor.

Written Assignment

Exercise numbers refer to the course textbook, Operating System Concepts with Java. Each problem is worth 5 points.
  1. Exercise 8.1
  2. Exercise 8.9
  3. A computer with a 32 bit address space has a 2-level paging scheme.  Virtual address are split into a 9 bit top-level page directory and an 11-bit middle-level page table entry.  How large are the pages?  How many page table entries will there be, including the top-level directory?
  4. Exercise 8.12
  5. A student in an operating systems class has a suggestion to cut down on disk space required for virtual memory.  Instead of saving the pages of a process to a virtual memory backing store,  just page it in directly from the program executable already on disk.  Under what conditions, if any, will this work, for either code or data?
  6. Consider the page reference string 0 1 7 2 3 2 7 1 0 3.  What will the page faults be using the FIFO replacement algorithm, assuming an available address space of eight pages and four page frames?  What about using LRU?  What about OPT?
  7. How does WS Clock approximate LRU?
  8. Exercise 9.10
  9. Exercise 9.14
  10. Exercise 9.15
You should submit your assignment via Courseworks->Class Files->Shared Files->HW5_Written_Assignment. Upload your answers in a single ASCII text file.  PDF and/or word documents are not accepted. The filename should be HW1.<uni>.txt  For example, if your uni is sa3152, your submission filename should be HW5.sa3152.txt

Programming Assignment: Synchronization

Programming problems are to be done in your assigned groups using one of the VMs that has been assigned to your group members. For all programming problems you will be required to submit source code, a README file documenting your files and code, and a test run of your programs. In addition, you should submit a cover sheet using either homework_work.txt or homework_nonwork.txt, depending on whether or not the programming assignment is completely working or not. For source code submissions, you only need to submit new source code files that you created and kernel source code files that you changed. You should clearly indicate your names, email addresses, and assigned group number on your submission. Each group is required to submit one writeup for the programming assignment.

You will build your own Linux kernel for this class. For each homework assignment, you will build a new Linux kernel. The image of the kernel you build for this assignment should be vmlinuz.hmwk5. Grading for this assignment will be done based on vmlinuz.hmwk5.


This assignment is twofold: to solve a problem in user space using the pthreads package, and to add a new synchronization primitive to the linux kernel.


Before you start

Make sure you have your VMs available and your MRL account  It is highly recommended that you study the synchronization chapter in ULK.

Programming Assignment

Imagine a starbucks coffee bar with 5 seats. If you arrive while there is an empty seat, you can take a seat immediately. But if you arrive when all 5 seats are full, that means that all of the customers are having coffee together, and you will have to wait for the entire party to leave (all 5 seats to become free) before you sit down.  Your job is to write code for customers entering and leaving the coffee bar that enforces these requirements using the pthreads package.  Line-jumping is not allowed; i.e., if someone is waiting for the party to clear but there's a seat available, the next arrival also has to wait.  This assignment can be done on the CLIC machines (it does not need to be done using VMWare).

Hints: use two integers, drinking and waiting to keep track of the number of threads sitting at the bar drinking and those that are waiting to sit.
Use a mutual exclusion semaphore  mutex to provide safe access to each counter. If customers have to wait, they can block on another semaphore, waitqueue.

Clarification: you may solve this using only the mutexes and condition variables that are available in pthreads, or you may (also) use POSIX semaphores.

One pthreads tutorial
Another pthreads tutorial
One description of POSIX semaphores
Another description of POSIX semaphores
More info on POSIX semaphores

For this problem, you will implement a new kernel synchronization primitive. Read the "How Processes Are Organized" section in Chapter 3, and the "Synchronization Primitives", "Atomic Operations", "Spin Locks" and "Read/Write Spin Locks" sections in Chapter 5 in Understanding the Linux Kernel. In Chapter 3, pay particular attention to the material about wait queues. Note that the synchronization primitives in Linux generally do not have owners and are not recursive. No owners means that there's nothing stopping any piece of code from unlocking every lock in the kernel (and bringing the kernel to a fiery screeching halt, probably). Not recursive means that the owner of a lock (even if there was such a thing) can't obtain the lock twice.

  1. (25 pts.) Design and implement a new kernel synchronization primitive: a barrier.  Barriers are used in parallel programming to ensure that all processes complete one stage of computation before moving on to another (for example, a parallelized matrix multiply).  Given a barrier of size N, all processes calling the barrier primitive will block until all N processes have called it, after which each may continue.  The barrier is then reset back to N.  Note that no other ordering is expressed or implied; e.g., the last process to arrive at the barrier may be the first process to leave or vice versa.  Implement the following new system calls in the Linux kernel, which should be numbered 318 to 320, respectively:

    • int barriercreate(int num); Creates a new barrier of size num, returning the barrier ID on success, -1 on failure.
    • int barrierdestroy(int barrierID); Destroy the barrier with the given barrier ID and notifies any processes waiting on the barrier to leave it. Return number of processes notified on success and -1 on failure.
    • int barrierwait(int barrierID); Blocks an individual process until N processes have arrived; must verify that the barrier ID is valid. Return 0 on success and -1 on failure.  The barrier being destroyed while a process waits is also a failure condition that should return -1.

    You should begin by thinking carefully about the data structures that you will need to solve this problem. Your system will need to support having multiple barriers open at the same time, so you will probably need a set of barrier descriptor data structures, each of which identifies a barrier. Those data structures will need to be put in a list from which your code can find the appropriate barrier descriptor correponding to the barrier that you need. Space for the barrier descriptors should be dynamically allocated, most likely using the kernel functions kmalloc() and kfree().

    You should not make any assumptions about whether the system is a uniprocessor or multiprocessor system. Be sure to properly synchronize access to your data structures. Moreover, be sure to select the appropriate synchronization primitives such that they are both correct and efficient, in this order. For instance, you should prefer a spinlock over a semaphore if-and-only-if you don't plan to sleep while holding it.

    You can choose to work at the level of wait queues using either the associated low-level routines such as add_wait_queue(), remove_wait_queue(), or the higher-level routines such as prepare_to_wait(), finish_wait(). You can find code examples both in the book and in the kernel. If you prefer to use functions such as interruptible_sleep_on() and sleep_on(), then plan carefully because they can be racy in certain circumstances.

    HINT: a useful method to guarantee the validity of a data structure in the presence of concurrent create, access and delete operations, is to maintain a reference count for the object. Then, the object should only be freed by the last user. The file system, for example, keeps a reference count for inodes: when a process opens a file the reference count of the inode is incremented. Thus if another process deletes the file, the inode remains valid in the system (albeit invisible) because its count is positive. The count is decremented when the process closes the corresponding file descriptor, and if it reaches zero then the inode is freed. A reference count must be protected against concurrent access, either using explicit synchronization or using atomic types (see atomic_t in Chapter 5 in Understanding the Linux Kernel).

    You are designing a completely new facility to add to the kernel. You will need to create a new implementation file and change the Makefile so that it compiles your new file. You are also likely to need to change a few parts of the existing kernel. You should properly handle errors that may occur and report meaningful error codes, e.g. -ENOMEM in the barrier that a memory allocation fails. As always, you are encouraged to look for existing kernel code that performs similar tasks and follow the coventions and practices it provides.

  2. (5 pts.) Write an application program to test your new kernel functions. Your test program should show that the kernel functions work for the usual cases, for example, when all N processes wait on a barrier, and also for boundary conditions such as (but not limited to)

    • creating and using a barrier where N is 1;
    • N-1 tasks waiting when barrierwait() is called;
    • Have M tasks calling a barrier of size N, where M > N;
    • multiple barriers open at one time, and
    • processes waiting when barrierdestroy() is called.

Special Notes - Clarifications

What and How to Submit

    1. Create git directory
      1. Do not include binary files, patch files, test files, configuration files in the git directory
      2. Create ~/.gitconfig
      3. Write lots of detail in the git commit messages
      4. Patch should not include binaries, KDB patch, or test code
    2. Create test directory
      1. Put test files in test directory
      2. In the README file, write how to test, and what files are included
    3. Write hostname, ip address and group number for vm in the homework_work.txt file
    4. Shutdown VM when done, select the exact homework kernel to boot
    5. File names should follow convention given in the instructions
    1. For the pthreads project, submit a gzipped tar file of your pthread-related work, including all source code, Makefile, test programs, and a README describing your setup. This  should be[num].tar.gz.  For example, if your group is 12, your submission filename will be HW5.pthreads.group12.tar.gz.
    2. For the kernel programming project, a gzipped tar file of all your kernel-related work. The filename should be[num].tar.gz. For example, if your group is 12, your submission filename will be HW5.kernel.group12.tar.gz.
    3. For the kernel programming project, each member should post a homework_work/homework_notwork.txt file using the following naming convention: HW5.uni.[not]work.txt.  For example, if your UNI is abc123, and your project does NOT work, it should be named HW5.abc123.notwork.txt
