W4118 Spring 2008 Working Assignment This is the cover sheet for a program that, as far as you know, works properly. EACH TEAM MEMBER MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS SHEET. Assignment Number: GroupID Number: VMware VM (hostname/vmware#/IP): We certify that: * The code submitted here compiles properly and runs without crashing. * While we may have discussed the assignment with others, the code submitted is entirely our own group's work and no other student has edited it. * So far as we have been able to determine, the program properly handles all reasonable inputs. Name of Group Member 1: _________________________ Rate Your Own Effort:_5 Always Working On The Assignment _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Rate Your Own Impact:_5 Did Most of the Work _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Name of Group Member 2: _________________________ Rate Member's Effort:_5 Always Working On The Assignment _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Rate Member's Impact:_5 Did Most of the Work _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Name of Group Member 3: _________________________ Rate Member's Effort:_5 Always Working On The Assignment _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Rate Member's Impact:_5 Did Most of the Work _4 Excellent _3 Fair _2 Poor _1 Did Absolutely Nothing Further instructions: * Check your code to make sure it is readable. You may wish to add some comments, change a variable name, or even restructure the code. This also often helps you find bugs in the code. * Print your code out and make sure that all the lines fit on the page without wrapping. * Include this file with the files you submit for your programming assignment. The file should be named "homework_work.txt". Any other comments (e.g., assignment was too easy/hard, want to be re-assigned):