Jiongxin Liu's Homepage


Jiongxin Liu is a PhD student in the computer science department at Columbia University (advised by Prof. Peter Belhumeur). His work focuses on pattern recognition problems (2D image), including fine-grained classification, object part localization, and human pose estimation.


Part-pair Representation For Part Localization
Jiongxin Liu, Yinxiao Li, and Peter Belhumeur
In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.
[pdf | Poster | code (coming soon) ]

Birdsnap: Large-scale Fine-grained Visual Categorization of Birds
Thomas Berg, Jiongxin Liu, Seung Woo Lee, Michelle L. Alexander, David W. Jacobs, and Peter Belhumeur
In Proceedings of Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014.
[pdf | Poster | BirdSnap ]

Bird part localization Using Exemplar-based Models with Enforced Pose and Subcategory Consistency
Jiongxin Liu and Peter Belhumeur
In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013.
[pdf | Poster ]

Dog Breed Classification Using Part Localization
Jiongxin Liu, Angjoo Kanazawa, David Jacobs, and Peter Belhumeur
In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012.
[pdf | Poster ]

Project (under construction)