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Below are some of the software applications that we have developed as part of our ongoing research. Visit the software web page to know if you can download the software for free or whether you need licensing. A brief summary of our past and present projects is available (also in word format).

There are other software applications that we have developed but they are experimental and not included in this page. Kindly visit the appropriate project page to know more about any experimental software related to the project.

Internet Telephony and Multimedia

sipcsipc is a SIP-speaking Internet telephony user agent
"CINEMA"CINEMA: SIP-based server suite and library, including a proxy (sipd), voice mail (sipum), conference (sipconf) and SIP-H.323 translation server (sip323)
"RTSPd"rtspd is a RTSP streaming media server
"UDPtunnel"UDPtunnel tunnels UDP (including RTP) packets over a TCP connection
"Cal-Code"Cal-Code is a Java code for CPL time-switches implementing a subset of RFC 2445 (iCal)
"rtptools"rtptools: Tools for RTP:
play back RTP sessions recorded by rtpdump
generate RTP packets from textual description, generated by hand or rtpdump.
parse and print RTP packets, generating output files suitable for rtpplay and rtpsend
RTP translator between unicast and multicast networks

General Internet Services

"resparse"resparse is a slight modification of the resparse DNS resource record parser library, with support for DNS SRV records added

Managing Conferences and Journals

"EDAS"EDAS: A web-based editor's assistant for managing journal and conference paper submissions. Details are described in the on-line manual. It is currently used for IEEE Globecom, ICC and Infocom, as well as a number of smaller events.