IM/event notification for calendars


Brief Description

Columbia InterNet Extensible Multimedia Architecture (CINEMA) provides a test bed for different multimedia and Internet telephony applications.
This project is to provide CINEMA web-interface which includes calendar interface for "Event Reservation Database" so that we could mamipulate the database via web.

EventEdit.cgi: This file is a CGI script which is used to either enter a new event or edit previous events

EventCalendar.cgi: This file is a CGI script which is used to show calendar-style event reservation status

Examples of web interface of these two scripts can be seen here: <EventEdit.cgi> <EventCalendar.cgi>



Namer: Takahiro Kashihara


Address: #428, 500 Riverside Drive NewYork, N.Y 10027

Phone: 212-316-8633


system requirements

Operating System: Any OS which CINEMA runs

Hardware: Any HW which CINEMA runs

JDK over 1.2 is requred in order to run EventExpand.class since Cal-Code which is used in EventExpand.class uses Calendar.getMaximum(int field). (JDK 1.1 does NOT have it)



Place all files under CINEMA web directory as follow

CINEMA --- web ---

(IMinfo.class & jdbc.xml)

--- scripts --- events    



You MUST change "class path" to Cal-Code.jar & xerces.jar in file "EventEdit.cgi" Line 33, 34.


web-interface examples

A page for addingnew entry event <EventEdit.cgi>

A page for event calendar<EventCalendar.cgi>


program internal operation

PDF format of internal architecture is available here


If you are using JDK1.1, monthly recurrence events do NOT work.
(Since Cal-Code requires over JDK 1.2)

useful enhancements

Access limitation to resources or room should be implemented

acknowledgements for code and ideas borrowed

Expansino of recurrence events fully depends on Cal-Code which was written by Jonathan Lennox <>
API for Cal-Code is available here