Distributed Network Analysis (DNA) Research Group

Columbia University
Computer Science Department
450 CS Building
New York, NY, 10027-7003

Office: CSB 509
Email: elibrosh at cs dot columbia dot edu
Phone: (212)-775-6087.

I completed my doctoral studies at the Computer Science Department at Columbia University. My advisors were Prof. Dan Rubenstein and Prof. Vishal Misra. I received my B.Sc. in Statistics, Operations Research and Computer Science, and M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, where I was affiliated with the Networking Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Yuval Shavitt.

I am currently affiliated with Vidyo. My current homapage is here.


My research interests are in design, analysis, and implementation of networked systems, broadly defined. My research spans various areas, including:

  • Algorithms and systems for large-scale multimedia services and content distribution networks.
  • Improving performance, functionality, and robustness of distributed systems and cloud computing services.
  • Performance evaluation and modeling of computer and networked systems.


Conference and Workshop Papers

  • Joshua Reich, Oren Laadan, Eli Brosh, Alex Sherman, Vishal Misra, Jason Nieh, and Dan Rubenstein
    VMTorrent: Virtual Appliances On-Demand
    In Proc. of SIGCOMM DEMO, New Delhi, India, August 2010. SRC: Graduate Finalist.

Journal Papers