RAID 2013

Sponsorship Opportunities

The 16th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID) seeks sponsorships for its upcoming event to be held in Saint Lucia, in October 2013. Well-attended and favorably reviewed, past symposiums have attracted more than 200 participants from around the world. Contact the General Chair for sponsorship inquiries.

Who Attends

RAID is an international event that brings together leading researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry. Attendees are from prestigious universities, government and high technology companies all over the world.

Attendees typically include:

The Symposium

The symposium is a 3 day event, comprised of presentations, panels, poster presentations, networking events and a technology showcase.

Sponsorship Levels

Gold Sponsorships - Suggested donation USD 10,000.00

Gold sponsors receive exceptional visibility before, during, and following the symposium. These sponsorships are an excellent opportunity to become involved and recognized within the intrusion detection community.

Sponsorship benefits include:

Silver Sponsorships - Suggested donation USD 5,000.00

Silver sponsors receive excellent visibility before, during, and following the symposium. These sponsorships are an excellent opportunity to become involved and recognized within the intrusion detection community.

Sponsorship benefits include:

Bronze Sponsorships - Suggested donation USD 2,500.00

Bronze sponsors receive excellent visibility before, during, and following the symposium. These sponsorships are an excellent opportunity to become involved and recognized within the intrusion detection community.

Sponsorship benefits include:

RAID 2012 Credit - Stefano Ortolani    |    Adapted for RAID 2013 - David Tagatac, Jill Jermyn, Nathaniel Boggs