Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BeliefPropagatorObject that maintains and updates the state of belief propagation
BipartiteFunctionOracleWeight oracle for bipartite graphs with weight function
BipartiteMatrixOracleWeight oracle that explictly stores the weight matrix for bipartite graph
BMatchingProblemObject representing a b-matching problem
EuclideanDistanceWeight function that returns negative Euclidean distance
FunctionOracleWeight oracle that returns weights computed via a function between node descriptors of a unipartite graph
InnerProductWeight function that computes the inner product between node descriptor vectors
IntDoubleMapLightweight hash set class for storing ints Simple hash table with quadratic probing
IntSetLightweight hash set class for storing ints Simple hash table with quadratic probing
MatrixOracleWeight oracle that explicitly stores weight matrix of unipartite graph
OscillationDetectorAgent for detecting non-converging oscillation in BP Objects of this class compare state vectors to previously seen state vectors If any vectors are repeating, oscillation is possible. This class uses a hashed checksum to compare state vectors (cheap) then uses explicit state comparisons (expensive) when collisions are detected in checksums
SparseMatrix< T >Object for storing nonzero entries of a sparse matrix
WeightFunctionWeight function superclass Objects of this class contain a method that computes an edge weight given the node descriptors
WeightOracleSuperclass for weight oracles that provide weights for edges
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