IEEE Infocom 2001

Call for Papers and Paper Submission Instructions

Deadline for paper submission is July 5, 2000


The major conference on computer communications and networking is celebrating its 20th anniversary in the splendid setting of Anchorage (Alaska) during the week of April 22-26. The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners of every aspect of digital communications and networks, presenting the most up-to-date results and achievements in the field.

The Infocom 2001 program committee is soliciting original papers describing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of computer networking and data communications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Active networks
Billing and pricing
Communication protocols
Congestion, admission and flow control
Cryptography, information hiding
Internet and Web applications
Mobile networks
Multiple access
Network architectures
Network management and control
Network measurements and testbeds
Optical networks
Protocol design, analysis and performance
Quality of service
Queueing theory
Security and privacy
Storage area networks
Switching and switch architectures 
Traffic management and control
Wireless networks

Paper Submission Instructions

We will be strictly enforcing the July 5th deadline. There have been quite a few requests for extensions and the decision was to adhere to the (already extended) deadline of July 5 because of the tight review schedule and fairness issues with large conferences such as IEEE Infocom. We hope you will be able to submit your paper. Thanks for your understanding.

IEEE Infocom only reviews and publishes original work not currently under consideration elsewhere, as described in the detailed policy. Papers not meeting these criteria will be withdrawn from the conference without review as soon as the conflict comes to the attention of the program committee.

Papers must be submitted electronically in the manner and format detailed below. Authors for whom this presents a severe problem should contact one of the technical program committee co-chairs to discuss alternatives.

Formatting Instructions for Review

Papers must be formatted according to the IEEE standard double-column format, except the font size, which must be 11pt. The file infocom_sample.pdf contains a sample.

To make it easy to adhere to the formatting standard we offer templates and samples for Latex , MSWord , and FrameMaker .

Submission must be in PDF, version 3. However, the committee will also accept Postscript from Latex, FrameMaker, or MSWord source file. Postscript papers must use only standard PostScript fonts: Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica. (Postscript output from MSWord typically does not work on non-Microsoft platforms. The use of the Apple LaserWriter II or Linotronic printer driver is strongly recommended). The above formatted papers can be submitted in a compressed form (gzip, but not zip).

LaTeX, Framemaker and Microsoft Word files cannot be accepted. You must submit PDF or PostScript.

Because of the size limitation on the final manuscript, and to ensure that the reviewed paper and the final version have a similar size, papers with more than 11 pages will not be reviewed.

Submission Instructions for Review

Papers must be submitted electronically using the electronic submission Web site starting June 1st, 2000. This web page contains exact instructions. The submission process includes providing detailed contact information. To save space, authors can omit this information from the paper itself. Authors will receive an immediate notification of the successful receipt of the file containing their paper. Subsequently, a notification will be sent if the paper cannot be printed successfully. Submissions will only be accepted until July 5th, 2000; no extensions beyond this date will be granted.

Submission deadlines are strict! Papers that have been improperly submitted or improperly formatted by the submission date will not be considered. To avoid last minute problems, authors are encouraged to submit their papers well in advance of the deadline.

If you run into technical difficulties submitting your paper, please contact Zhi-Li Zhang at for assistance. Zhi-Li Zhang is only responsible for "mechanical" paper submission problems only, e.g., ftp difficulties or format questions. Please send all other questions to the technical program chairs.

Review Process

Each paper will typically be reviewed by three independent reviewers whose reviews will be relayed to the correspondence author. To facilitate the review process authors will be asked to classify the paper according to a list of categories so that the most appropriate reviewers handle the paper. Since last year, a new step has been introduced into the process and authors may have a chance to provide a limited rebuttal of the review before the program committee makes its final decision.

Panel and Tutorial Submission Instructions

Proposals for panels, half- or full-day tutorials should be submitted to the panel and tutorial chairs.

Travel Grants

Limited travel assistance to students, post-docs and junior faculty for defraying some of the costs of presenting a paper in the conference will be available. Please refer to the conference web sites for further details later this year.

Important Dates

Complete paper due July 5, 2000
Notification of paper acceptance October 31, 2000
Final version due January 12, 2001
Tutorials April 22-23, 2001
Conference April 24-26, 2001

CFPs for Printing

This CFP is also available in PostScript, PDF and ASCII.

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Rene L. Cruz, UCSD, USA
Giovanni Pacifici, IBM, USA

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Last updated by Henning Schulzrinne