Free Speech

Florida and Texas have passed laws restricting how social media can filter or moderate content. The 11th and 5th Circuits have reached opposite conclusions on the constitutionality of these laws. Mixed teams of CS and law students, 3–4 to a side, will debate this issue, and in particular the "must carry" provisions. 

The debate will consist of three sections: a presentation by each side, a rebuttal, and questions. Presentations must address both the legal and technical aspects of the question. Each side should prepare two opening statements of about 5 minutes each; one should be by a CS student and one by a law student—but there is no requirement that each student "stay in their lane". In fact, we encourage just the opposite. Each side will then get 5–6 minutes rebuttal, with 2–3 minutes apiece for the other students on the team if the team has 4 people. After that, there will be questioning by the professors and the rest of the class. The total time will be about an hour.