Intermediate Deliverables

This assignment is optional. The purpose is to provide you with early feedback on your design, so I strongly urge you to submit it—but if you're too snowed under with other classes, you don't have to turn it in. If you turn it in late, I will do my best to provide feedback, but it will be harder for me to find the time and you'll have less time to act on my suggestions. 

The due date is November 24, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. I will return my comments by the following Tuesday.

The two deliverables for the intermediate project are the system architecture document and the test plan. See the final project description for details. 

You will receive detailed feedback on these documents. You are strongly "urged" to correct any deficiencies noted. Experience suggests that people who don't heed the feedback will often fare poorly…

If you turn in a test plan saying only "We're going to look for bugs", I will note that. If you turn in a detailed plan listing many things you'll test for but omit one or two important ones, I'll note that too. In other words, the purpose of this assignment is to help you, not to penalize you.