Buggy Mail Reader There is a buggy mail reader at /homes/ACMClass/acm50/badmail on machines compute01.cs.columbia.edu, compute02.cs.columbia.edu, ... compute08.cs.columbia.edu. Your job is to trick the mailer into disclosing things it shouldn't. Yes, the mailer deliberately has security holes in it... If you simply invoke the mailer with no operands, it lists the folders in the mailbox: $ /homes/ACMClass/acm50/badmail ssol courseworks inbox Please do this part *immediately*, to verify that I've set up your mailbox and the program correctly. If you invoke it with an operand of "+foldername", it lists the messages in that folder and their sizes: $ /homes/ACMClass/acm50/badmail +inbox folder: inbox msgs: 0 1: 41 bytes If you give message numbers: $ /homes/ACMClass/acm50/badmail +inbox 1 it displays those messages -- but I haven't shown that... The goals of the attack are the following: 1) Figure out where and how mailboxes and folders are stored. Be specific. 2) Show the names of the folders in the two TAs' mailboxes. Their logins are malek and zhao. 3) There is exactly one message in my mailbox. What does it say? You must explain how you analyzed the program and what commands you used. If you write any code -- and you may not need to -- include it. If you do write code, any language is acceptable. (You may find that the 'script' command is useful.)