Homework 8

Due: Thursday, May 4 at 11:59pm


As discussed in class, make a second contribution to an open source project. This contribution should be substantive, meaning something more than a documentation fix or an example leetcode solution. Keep in mind our discussion of open source problems, and ensure that your contribution is positive for the maintainers. This means that a bug fix or feature should come with documentation and tests, a new or modified example should come with a thorough explanation and supporting documentation, etc. Do not create noise for maintainers, ensure that your contribution is good. A contribution deemed non-substantive or that creates extra noise for the maintainer, including things like a bad PR title, bad commit messages, etc, will result in lost points.

As before, open a PR on the project proposals repo adding your contribution to your profile page. Ensure that the CI passes and squash commits into one.

Another Release

Now that your project’s infrastructure is entirely setup, do an end-to-end release cycle. This means:

Proposals prep for final submission

As we approach the final evaluation, make sure your personal markdown file and project markdown file are up to date.

For your personal markdown file, ensure it includes:

This should have been prepared before this HW, so this is just for confirmation.

Additionally, ensure your project’s markdown file is up to date in the proposals repo. It should include:

Add the following items (you can simply copy/paste from your project’s readme):

As always, open a PR against the proposals repo and ensure that CI passes, conflicts are resolved, and commits are squashed.