Homework 4 Rubric

Submission and Other (10 Points)

Code Points Description
A1 2 Submission is zip containing nbody folder with python files
A2 2 Zip is named after uni, unzips to folder with uni-hw4
A3 3 Python files have correct names/imports
A4 3 Python files have good style

Part 1 - generateObjects (30 points)

Code Points Description
B1 5 Code produces a 3 x count list/array of floats
B2 5 Test case 1
B3 5 Test case 2
B4 5 Test case 3
B5 5 Test case 4
B6 2 Function is in the proper file
B7 3 Good Style (No globals, comments, well named vars)

Test Cases:

Part 2 - plotObjects (30 points)

Code Points Description
C1 10 Code runs and produces correct output for plotObjects(generateObjects(100))
C2 10 Code runs and produces correct output for plotObjects(generateObjectsNormal(100))
C3 5 Function is in the proper file
C4 5 Good Style (No globals, comments, well named vars)

Part 3 - forceVec (30 points)

Code Points Description
D1 5 Code takes two 3x1 lists/arrays and returns two float values or list of length 2
D2 5 Test Case 1
D3 5 Test Case 2
D4 5 Test Case 3
D5 5 Test Case 4
D6 2 Function is in the proper file
D7 3 Good Style (No globals, comments, well named vars)

Note: Small differences are fine due to floating point error

Test Cases: