Meeting Times and Location:
Spring 2013 T 10:10am-12:00pm Location 1127 Mudd
COMS W3137 Data Structures and Algorithms,
COMS W3157 Advanced Programming,
COMS W3827 Fundamentals of Computer Systems, and
COMS W4118
Operating Systems I
Study of topics in mobile computing including Google Android.
Course will involve readings and discussion of classic and
new papers on recent developments in mobile computing research.
A course project is required. Course will develop
understanding of mobile computing as well as project management,
research methodology, and technical presentation and writing skills.
The Spring 2013 enrollment for this class will be limited.
It is anticipated that the class will be not be offered
again until 2015.
- Instructor:
Prof. Jason Nieh,
939-7160, office hours: T 9:00am-10:00am, 1:00pm-2:00pm CSB 518.
- Required Text:
Mobile Computing Course Papers
Course presentations and participation:
This course is based on a collection of journal and conference papers
that describe the history and state of the art in mobile computing.
Students are expected to read papers before class and contribute to
the class discussion as follows. For each paper, a student will be
selected to present the paper. Each paper presentation
should be 25-30 minutes, including discussion. There will be 2 paper
presentations per class. Presentations will be graded based on
apparent understanding of the material in the paper, presentation
style, and entertainment value. All students will be expected to make
paper presentations. To avoid being assigned a paper that you do not
want to present, you should volunteer early for your paper selection.
Final project:
The project is an opportunity for you to take an active part in
exploring the subject area, as appropriate for an advanced course.
You can choose any project you want, so long as it has something to do
with mobile computing. Projects can range from operating system
support for mobile computing to complex mobile computing
applications on Android or iOS devices. The project should be chosen
so that it clearly extends your knowledge and understanding of some area of
mobile computing. The primary criterion for evaluating your project
will be what you have learned and discovered, not the amount of code
written or the number of pages of the written report. Projects are to
be done in teams of your own choosing with approval of the instructor.
0%: |
No midterm, final, or "extra credit" work
We would like the course to run smoothly and enjoyably. Feel free to
let us know what you find just, good, and interesting about the
course. Let us know sooner about the reverse. See us, leave us a
note, or send us email.