Jeremy Klotz

jklotz [at]

I'm a third-year Ph.D. student at Columbia University. I am advised by Shree Nayar, and my work is generously funded by the NDSEG fellowship. Before my Ph.D., I worked with Aswin Sankaranarayanan at CMU.


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My research is in computational imaging. I am interested in building vision systems the capture the minimal information needed to solve a task. Previously, I have worked on structured light systems for 3D scanning and measuring fruit freshness.
Minimalist Vision with Freeform Pixels
Jeremy Klotz and Shree K. Nayar
ECCV, 2024 (Best Paper Award)
paper, project page, video, code, supplemental

A minimalist camera captures the smallest number of measurements needed to solve a task. Rather than using square pixels, a minimalist camera uses freeform pixels whose shape are automatically learned for the task at-hand.

Cricket: A Self-Powered Chirping Pixel
Shree K. Nayar, Jeremy Klotz, Nikhil Nanda, and Mikhail Fridberg
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2024
paper, project page, video, code, supplemental

Cricket is a novel light sensor that can measure light without the use of a power supply or a battery.

Computational 3D Imaging with Position Sensors
Jeremy Klotz, Mohit Gupta, and Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
ICCV, 2023 (Oral Presentation)
paper, video, code, supplemental

We introduce a low-bandwidth method for 3D scanning with position sensing diodes that is robust to global illumination.

Fine-Grain Prediction of Strawberry Freshness Using Subsurface Scattering
Jeremy Klotz, Vijay Rengarajan, and Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
ICCV Workshop on Large-Scale Fine-Grained Food AnalysIs (LargeFineFoodAI), 2021
paper, video, code

We show subsurface scattering measurements are useful for predicting fruit freshness.

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