Emily Allaway

-->My updated website is https://emilyallaway.github.io/

I am a PhD candidate in my 4th year at Columbia University, working with Prof. Kathy McKeown. I am interested in Natural Language Processing and have been working on projects broadly related to relation extraction, stance detection, and semantics (e.g., connotations). Over the past summer, I was an intern at AI2 on the MOSAIC team, working with Jena Hwang and Chandra Bhagavatula. I have also been an intern at Amazon Science, working with Miguel Ballesteros and Shuai Wang.

Before coming to Columbia, I was an undergraduate researcher at the University of Washington with Prof. Yejin Choi, working on commonsense knowledge. I majored in computer science and mathematics, with a minor in Ancient Greek.

I orgnaize the NLP seminar at Columbia.

Contact: eallaway@cs.columbia.edu