Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Draft Wu/Schulzrinne Columbia University wu-cpl-presence-01.txt March 28, 2003 Expires: September 2003 Call Processing Language Extensions for Presence Information Handling STATUS OF THIS MEMO This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress". The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at To view the list Internet-Draft Shadow Directories, see Abstract The Call Processing Language (CPL) can be used to describe and control Internet telephony services. The original CPL specification focuses on call handling on network servers. The extensions in this document are designed to add capabilities to describe services for presence information handling. The extensions can work with the other presence information handling filters for more elaborate rules. The definition of the extensions is based on the XML Schema for CPL. Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 1] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 1 Introduction People are using presence information extensively in their daily life, such as using instant messenger to check the online status of friends. In IETF, the IMPP and SIMPLE working group are working on the model and message formats for presence and instant message services. However, there is no standard way to define services for automatic presence information handling, such as automatically making an outbound call to a friend when the friend gets online. System developers can certainly use languages like C/C++, or Java to implement such services, but this kind of implementation will be platform and language dependent and usually un-readable to non- programmers. One advantage of eXtensible Markup Laugnage (XML) is its independence of platform and underlying programming languages. In addition, the tag of XML has semantic meanings and it makes the XML script readable to non-programmers. These advantages make XML a suitable language for telecommunication service creation. Call Processing Language (CPL) [1] [2] is one of the XML based telecommunication service creation languages. The current CPL specification focuses on the server side call handling. It does not support presence information handling. We choose to extend CPL to support presence information handling instead of creating a new XML based language for two reasons. First, many existing CPL components, such as time-switch and string-switch, can be re-used for presence information handling. Second, CPL has already defined commands for call handling which will be used for presence information handling. We choose to define the CPL extensions for presence information handling based on the XML Schema for CPL [2] instead of XML DTD in the original CPL definition [1]. XML Schema is much easier to extend compared with XML DTD. In addition, XML Schema provides many predefined data types and has better data type checking mechanism. The CPL extensions for presence can work together with the policy rules in a presence system. Compared with only using policy rules for presence information filtering, using CPL to handle the presence related services can provide more elaborate rules such as approve/defer/reject the subscription based on the time-switch. The CPL extensions for presence are not tied to any particular presence protocol; they are anticipated to be compliant with the presence and instant messaging model [3] [4] defined in IETF IMPP Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 2] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 working group and SIP extensions for presence [9]. 1.1 Conventions of This Document In this document, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [5] and indicate requirement levels for compliant CPL implementations. In examples, non-XML strings such as -action1- , -action2- , and so forth, are sometimes used. These represent further parts of the script which are not relevant to the example in question. Some paragraphs are indented, like this; they give motivations of design choices, or questions for future discussion in the development of the CPL extensions, and are not essential to the specification of the language. 2 Overview of the Extensions The extensions can automate the presence information handling in four ways. Users can use CPL scripts to automatically accept or reject subscriptions; users can use CPL scripts to automatically fetch the remote parties status before making an outgoing call; users can use CPL scripts to automatically invoke call actions for incoming notifications; users can use CPL scripts to automatically send outgoing notifications. We consider presence information as a special case of general event notification, with the event package defined as 'presence' and with only two event values, OPEN and CLOSED. Thus, we define CPL extensions for general event handling and have the CPL extensions for presence information handling based on the general event handling. The general event handling extensions define two new triggers, namely 'subscription' and 'notification', used to handle incoming or outgoing subscription and notification requests respectively. A new switch named event-switch is defined so the presentity or watcher can base on the events to make decisions. Several new actions are defined to handle incoming subscriptions. these actions include 'approve', 'defer' and 'deny', used to make decisions on incoming subscription. The other new actions are 'subscribe', used to send a subscription; 'fetch' used to get the presentity status only once; 'notify', used to send a notification; 'unsubscribe', used to unsubscribe from the presentity; Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 3] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The 'poll' action can be achieved by using the time-switch and the 'fetch' action 3 Namespace of CPL extensions for presence The namespace URIs for elements defined by this specification are URNs [6], using the namespace identifier 'ietf' defined by [7] and extended by [8]. The URN for general event handling is: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cpl:event The URN for presence information handling is: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cpl:presence 4 New triggers 4.1 New triggers in the general event handling extensions Two triggers are defined in the extensions. One is 'subscription' and the other is 'notification'. 'subscription' is for handling incoming or outgoing SUBSCRIBE requests; 'notification' is for handling incoming or outgoing NOTIFY requests. The new triggers are defined as the substitutionGroup of the abstract element 'trigger' defined in the CPL schema. The XML schema fragment for the two triggers is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 4] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 There is one child element of the SubscriptionType, CPL:Node. With this child element, the subscription and notification trigger can contain all the switches and actions defined in the CPL and the CPL extensions. There are two attributes for each trigger. 'direction' defines whether the request is incoming or outgoing. 'package' defines what events are expected for subscription or notification. For presence information handling, the package has a fixed value 'presence'. Note: In Common Profile for Presence specification [4], there are 'watcher', 'target' and 'duration' attributes for subscription and notification. These attributes are provided in the 'event' element of the 'event-switch' (Section 5) for defining the choices a CPL script can make. Note: We noticed that in a SIP implementation, if the presence user agent co-located with the the registrar, the registration may invoke outgoing notification. We may need to add 'registration' as another trigger for handling registrations, particularly third-party registrations. An incoming registration from the presentity can trigger a notification to the subscribers. We may need to worry about more fine-grained distinctions in registration propagation. For example, a change in availability of my cell phone may trigger notifications only to a selected subset of the users. 4.2 New triggers in the presence information handling extensions The triggers in the presence information handling extensions are inherited from the triggers in the general event handling extensions, with the package attribute using a fixed value 'presence'. The XML schema fragment for the triggers is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 5] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 5 Event switch 5.1 event-switch in the general event handling extensions The subscriptions and the notifications are all related to the events that occurred in the presentity. The presence agent makes different decisions based on the events subscribed by the watcher; the watcher performs different operations based on the events notified by the presentity. The event-switch is defined as a substitutionGroup of the abstract element 'switch' in the CPL schema. The XML Schema fragment of the event-swtich is defined as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 6] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The event handling is more than on-line and off-line indicator. Some presence systems support more presence indicators such as 'away' and 'idle'. In Presence Event Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [9], event package is introduced to distinguish event types. Thus, an event consists of at least two parts, namely package-name, and event-name. Different events may have different parameters such as the length of the idle period. However, the parameters are not common to all the events and will not be included in the EventType in general event handling extensions. 5.2 presence-switch in the presence information handling extensions The presence-switch in presence information handling is inherited from the event-switch defined in general event handling with adding three attributes in the EventType. In addition, presence-switch provides some limitations to the 'package' and 'is' attributes. The XML Schema fragment of the presence-switch is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 7] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 In the schema, the package attribute in EventType has fixed value as 'presence'. The 'is' attribute has only two values, namely 'OPEN' and 'CLOSED', consistent with the status defined in RFC2778 [3]. Three new attributes are defined. The 'watcher' attribute checks who's watching the event; the 'target' attribute checks who's sending the event; the 'duration' attribute defines the maximum number of seconds a subscription can be active. The 'watcher', 'target' and 'duration' attributes match the 'watcher', 'target' and 'duration' attributes defined in Common Profile for Presence specification [4]. 5.3 Usage of event-switch with SIP for presence For SIP extensions for presence [9], both the SUBSCRIBE and the Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 8] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 NOTIFY request have an Event header. The Event header contains the package information. 5.4 Usage of event-switch with CPIM For CPIM, it is only for presence information. So, the package should always be 'presence'. 6 group-of attribute for the address element in address-switch The content in this section needs further discussion. In a user's addressbook, he may put different contacts in different groups. Different groups may require different event handling policy. As the following script shows, the user can define a blacklist, if the subscription is from the people in the blacklist, the subscription will be automatically rejected.
7 Additional non-URL sources for location lookup The content in this section needs further discussion In the original CPL specification, The only non-URL source defined is registration, which specifies all the locations registered with the server. We add two additional non-URL sources that can be searched by the location lookup, namely 'watchers', which specifies all the addresses that have subscribed to the PA; 'presentities', which specifies the addresses which the PA has successfully subscribed to. 8 New signaling operations The presence information generally invokes new operations beyond those defined in original CPL specification. For example, a notification can invoke an outgoing call, a registration can invoke a notification. In addition, the presence agent can automatically approve, reject or defer a subscription. Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 9] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The actions we defined for presence information handling are: subscribe, fetch, unsubscribe, notify, approve, defer and deny. 8.1 subscribe action The 'subscribe' action causes the server to send a subscription to the specified set of locations. It is defined as a substitutionGroup of the abstract element CPL:action in the CPL schema. The XML schema fragment is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 10] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The subscribe operation contains four sub-elements, corresponding to different responses to the subscription. "success" defines additional actions should be performed if the subscription succeeds. "noanswer" defindes additional actions should be performed if there is no answer for the subscription. "failure" defindes additional actions should be performed if the subscription failed. "redirection" defindes additional actions should be performed if the subscription will be redirected to some other places. There is an xs:any element in the subscribe operation. The element can be used to host additional information for an outgoing subscription, such as the event list defined in [10]. There are six attributes for the subscription action. 'package' and 'event' define what is the event the watcher is interested in. 'duration' defines how long the subscription can be active; 'rate' defines the rate at which notifications are allowed to be generated by a single notifier. [11] [12] 'timeout' and 'ordering' are the same as those defined in the 'proxy' action in CPL specification. The default timeout value is 20 seconds. 8.2 fetch action The fetch action causes the watcher to send a subscription for one time status notification. So, in 'fetch' action, there is no duration and rate attribute. The XML schema fragment of 'fetch' action is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 11] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 Both SIP extensions for presence and CPIM set duration as 0 in a subscription for fetch action. 8.3 notify action The notify operation causes the presentity to send a notification to the specified set of locations. It is defined as a substitutionGroup of the abstract element CPL:action in the CPL schema. The XML schema fragment is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 12] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The notify operation contains four sub-elements and three attributes. They are the same as those defined in the subscribe action. For presence event notification, there could be more informaion than on-line or off-line indication. For example, there could be location information, current status (busy, in meeting) in the notification. Different people may see different notifications. So, we may add another attribute in the notify action, named 'class', indicating what kind of notifications should be sent. The detailed information of the 'class' can be defined in a policy file. For example, we define a policy as: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 13] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 If the attribute 'class' is family, the outgoing notification will contain location and status information; only location information for friends class and only status information for coworkers class. The class attribute can also be used in the 'approve' action described in the next section to indicate what kind of notifications will be sent. 8.4 approve action The approve operation causes the presentity to allow the watcher watching the events specified in the subscription. It is defined as a substitutionGroup of the abstract element CPL:action in the CPL schema. The XML schema fragment is as below: Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 14] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 The Approve operation immediately terminates the execution of the CPL script, There are two attributes for approve action. Attribute 'duration' defines the time period the presence agent can send notifications. If duration is zero-valued, only one notification is invoked. If duration is not specified, the duration value SHOULD be set as that specified in the subscription. For SIP extensions for presence, it is the value in the Expires header. For CPIM, it is the value in the duration parameter. Attribute 'rate' defines the notification rate. 8.5 defer action Defer causes the presence agent to ask for the authorization of the presentity at a later time due to the unavailability of the presentity. The XML schema fragment of the defer action is as below: 8.6 reject action Reject causes the presence agent to reject a subscription. The XML fragment of the reject action is as below: There are two attributes for the 'reject' action. 'status' indicates the status code being used in the response; 'reason' indicates the Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 15] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 reason of the rejection. Note: In a presence system, whether to approve, defer or reject a subscription will base on three inputs, namely the interact directly from the presentity (the user), the policy file on the PA and the CPL scripts (the CPL scripts can be on either the PA or the presentity). The policy file can be as below The policy file has the advantage of the simple format and being easy to combine multiple files into one single file. However, using CPL to handle the presence related services can provide more elaborate rules such as approve/defer/reject the subscription based on the time- switch. Note: An event can initiate an outgoing call such as send a REFER or INVITE messages to some SIP entities to establish a meeting. The 'call' action is complicated and out of the scope of the presence extensions for CPL so that we won't describe it here. Instead, it should be defined in the CPL extensions for end systems. 9 Examples 9.1 Automatic outgoing call on incoming online notification The following script provides automatic outgoing call service on a presence agent. Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 16] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003
9.2 Selected notification The following script provides fine-grained distinctions in registration propagation. When the user registers to the registrar, a notification will be sent to the subscribers that can speak English.
Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 17] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003
10 Authors' Addresses Xiaotao Wu Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University 1214 Amsterdam Avenue, MC 0401 New York, NY 10027 USA electronic mail: Henning Schulzrinne Dept. of Computer Science Columbia University 1214 Amsterdam Avenue, MC 0401 New York, NY 10027 USA electronic mail: 11 Normative References [1] J. Lennox and H. Schulzrinne, "CPL: a language for user control of Internet telephony services," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Nov. 2001. Work in progress. [2] X. Wu, H. Schulzrinne, and J. Lennox, "An extensible markup language schema for call processing language (CPL)," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar. 2003. Work in progress. [3] M. Day, J. Rosenberg, and H. Sugano, "A model for presence and instant messaging," RFC 2778, Internet Engineering Task Force, Feb. 2000. [4] D. H. Crocker and J. L. Peterson, "Common profile for presence (CPP)," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar. 2003. Work in progress. [5] S. Bradner, "Key words for use in rfcs to indicate requirement levels," RFC 2119, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar. 1997. [6] R. Moats, "URN syntax," RFC 2141, Internet Engineering Task Force, May 1997. Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 18] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 [7] R. Moats, "A URN namespace for IETF documents," RFC 2648, Internet Engineering Task Force, Aug. 1999. [8] M. Mealling, "The IETF XML registry," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2002. Work in progress. 12 Informative References [9] J. Rosenberg, "A presence event package for the session initiation protocol (SIP)," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Jan. 2003. Work in progress. [10] A. B. Roach, J. Rosenberg, and B. Campbell, "A session initiation protocol (SIP) event notification extension for collections," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Feb. 2003. Work in progress. [11] A. Niemi, "Requirements for limiting the rate of event notifications," internet draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar. 2003. Work in progress. [12] A. B. Roach, "Session initiation protocol (sip)-specific event notification," RFC 3265, Internet Engineering Task Force, June 2002. Full Copyright Statement Copyright (c) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 19] Internet Draft CPL-Presence March 28, 2003 TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 20] Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................ 2 1.1 Conventions of This Document ........................ 3 2 Overview of the Extensions .......................... 3 3 Namespace of CPL extensions for presence ............ 4 4 New triggers ........................................ 4 4.1 New triggers in the general event handling extensions ..................................................... 4 4.2 New triggers in the presence information handling extensions ..................................................... 5 5 Event switch ........................................ 6 5.1 event-switch in the general event handling extensions ..................................................... 6 5.2 presence-switch in the presence information handling extensions ............................................ 7 5.3 Usage of event-switch with SIP for presence ......... 8 5.4 Usage of event-switch with CPIM ..................... 9 6 group-of attribute for the address element in address-switch ................................................. 9 7 Additional non-URL sources for location lookup ...... 9 8 New signaling operations ............................ 9 8.1 subscribe action .................................... 10 8.2 fetch action ........................................ 11 8.3 notify action ....................................... 12 8.4 approve action ...................................... 14 8.5 defer action ........................................ 15 8.6 reject action ....................................... 15 9 Examples ............................................ 16 9.1 Automatic outgoing call on incoming online notification ................................................... 16 9.2 Selected notification ............................... 17 10 Authors' Addresses .................................. 18 11 Normative References ................................ 18 12 Informative References .............................. 19 Wu/Schulzrinne [Page 1]