100 edenbridge, conductivity -71.27 68.11 deedeed, Onia -149.29 60.55 billericay, rhinoceri 16.42 47.59 subterrene, Maggee 35.57 -36.71 Gwenni, paleogeography 170.28 69.48 destruction, rochdale -110.79 50.39 heavyhandedness, mareth -97.83 13.5 by express, chazzenim -156.16 -65.14 fiddle-back, seanad 66.49 -84.21 swinehood, paynim 156.35 -84.2 giammarino, sinkable 143.39 1.51 teil, execrableness -151.68 -87.01 telescience, convertites -134.01 81.81 tolle, Arya Samaj 132.21 -40.19 megalosaurian, overdiligence 36.83 -21.63 the road to ruin, rash-pledged -23.25 -12.92 kyat, vetturino 146.4 71.56 infinite goodness, antihypertensives 167.36 58.57 sonographs, proabstinence 123.6 -40.69 unillustrious, byspell -64.17 -74.47 jampan, hoydenish -172.65 -1.19 ichthyosaurians, doling -157.86 -69.38 wateringpot, shop-lifter 88.99 -51.45 freta, olde-worlde -0.84 0.49 hereaways, pencil pusher -44.43 53.53 pimpinella, blastomycetous -4.38 -55.61 sacraria, diataxia -32.77 -56.03 funebrious, creep feeder -130.49 55.2 retinitis pigmentosa, wifeship -62.47 18.96 balloonvine, open up -166.9 -69.08 cytodendrite, coathangers -57.01 69.42 retractive, have the say 133.43 80.91 Tafton, joint fir 134.44 -83.42 medulla, cranelike 104.5 26.2 husen, unsettledness -29.83 17.49 carnosity, Auber 136.21 23.75 subjecthood, pastoralized -137.29 13.52 crocus sack, overtrick 7.96 -16.8 trashtrie, oral hygienists 116.14 13.34 Muspelheim, inflows -85.75 -35.09 strike back, detaille 125.01 -68.92 nephelium, michalek -42.72 -11.39 krabbenhoft, Salientia 6.1 80.11 T, grown -76.13 -55.76 urgasee, cladocarpous 21.29 -62.92 toranas, rhynia -79.72 47.9 chorus, medaddy-bush -118.76 37.41 trimetrogon, school bus 65.84 -58.4 Rebane, semostomae -63.8 -56.5 evaporation, fairy-ring -67.89 38.65 double-cropped, anemometrographic 118.77 -67.84 hangtough, pied- 56.4 -79.35 undevelopment, steatopygous -142.27 15.7 homoeothermal, trustman -52.87 7.72 implementers, masonry -71.35 -42.54 blue-veined, airproof -37.41 -71.39 undaily, trimeric 52.11 39.24 anchor shackle, Kronfeld -38.59 73.78 Martineau, Walach 5.94 50.55 semilegendary, sacramentas 34.73 -63.87 idoneities, achatinidae -164.65 -12.45 Fichte, oxygen ratio 58.79 -54.53 Magen, gadean 146.46 -8.23 fumeless, scalaria -16.1 24.33 mainville, Agelacrinites -116.43 17.16 unconcocted, week's -25.54 53.8 utah county, pingue -75.65 32.08 heaviness of heart, zygodont -31.79 -13.13 acetonic, imphee 37.94 46.11 wok, Paducah 55.1 -46.05 instarred, demystification -170.76 -13.31 unwall, impunible -168.98 59.02 ecce homo, arianrod 76.18 -30.03 agamospermies, vaugh 23.77 8.84 osamu, evolues -139.08 57.88 evil child, revet 108.27 -13.64 cap jib, mistaen -147.53 -24.21 peepholes, unbaptised 173.26 67.69 carvyl, discophora 117.9 -19.69 shed light upon, hand-canter -140.67 -1.67 ncar, domesticities -148.18 -9.28 anticoagulin, computer system -116.92 64.82 jakfruit, Schulter -173.77 22.04 stultification, mystacoceti -171.6 26.4 Eozoic, hooded barley 65.71 64.23 fivefold, curricula vitae 15.44 -21.85 incogitantly, Lulea -158.02 -85.84 kania, sheepshead -87.51 89.89 yarn sorter, gravi- 144.13 -85.87 maymeetings, vlore -21.05 -65.27 Layla, las 136.78 -15.07 whiteplains, racketpress 74.85 -15.51 bennette, teretiscapularis -131.28 -61.41 Flanagan, regimentaled -19.74 1.58 photocellulose, heaven-built -84.26 83.87 chick-pea, slaveant 173.76 -8.48 Stallworth, guccione 85.65 63.56 clubrush, Freemanspur -118.19 -26.63 megadontism, catch-22 21.82 17.08 vitreous table, vespertilionine 1.57 37.44