Packages and File Structure


Code in the ext environment is divided into packages. A package is a group of source (.c) and header files (.h) in a subdirectory centered around either a function (e.g., the BDD variable ordering package ``ord''), or a data structure (e.g., the network package ``ntk''). Each package has a short two- to five-letter name, called the short package name, placed in front of all filenames and external identifiers related to the package. This name may appear in all lowercase, or with its first letter capitalized, written as package and Package respectively Each package should contain two header files. The external header file, named package.h, defines features visible from outside the package. The internal header file, named packageInt.h, defines features used in multiple files inside the package, but not outside. If necessary, a third header file, named packagePort.h, can be included. This should contain definitions for the package that hide differences between systems. No additional header files should be used -- everything should go into the two main headers.

The names of C source files begin with the short package name followed by a series of English words (or abbreviations) with their first letters capitalized. No filename can be longer than fifteen characters. (This is a limitation imposed by the library archive program ar.)

Listed below are the names of files in an example package called rng. It has an external header file, an internal header file, a header file for portability, and two .c files. Other packages may have more .c files, but should not have more .h files.

Name Contains
rng.h Externally-visible functions, etc.
rngInt.h Functions, etc., internal to the package
rngPort.h #defines, etc., that hide system differences
rngUtil.c Utility functions
rngIntUtil.c Internal utility functions

C Header Files

Both the internal and external headers follow the same structure:

  1. A CHeaderFile structured comment describing the contents of the file. The external header file's comment should be directed toward programmers who will use the package; the internal header file's comment should be directed toward maintainers. Both should be self-contained.

  2. #ifdef and #define statements that prevent this from being #included twice. In the external header file, the name should be an underscore followed by the short name of the package in all caps, e.g., _NTK. In the internal header file, the name should be an underscore followed by the short name of the package followed by ``INT'', e.g., _NTKINT.

  3. In the internal header file, #include "vm.h", which will include the headers for all other packages. In the external header file, #include system header files only (i.e., those defined by ANSI C, e.g., #include <stdio.h>).

  4. Declarations of non-functions, each type in a separate section with a leading comment.

  5. An automatically-generated section surrounded by AutomaticStart and AutomaticEnd comments. Anything between these comments is removed by the automatic prototype extractor, so the programmer should put nothing here.

  6. The #endif directive for the leading #ifdef.

A template C header file that includes all the required sections and comments is shown below.

  FileName    [ required ]

  PackageName [ required ]

  Synopsis    [ required ]

  Description [ optional ]

  SeeAlso     [ optional ]

  Author      [ optional ]

  Copyright   [ required ]

  Revision    [ $Id: packages.html,v 1.2 1996/02/28 22:50:48 sedwards Exp $ ]

#ifndef _
#define _

/* Constant declarations                                                     */

/* Type declarations                                                         */

/* Stucture declarations                                                     */

/* Variable declarations                                                     */

/* Macro declarations                                                        */


/* Function prototypes                                                       */


#endif /* _ */

C Source Files

A C source file contains the following:

  1. A CFile structured comment describing the contents of the file.

  2. #include "packageInt.h".

  3. An RCS string, used by the revision control system.

  4. Declarations and definitions of non-functions, each type in a separate section with a leading comment.

  5. An automatically-generated section surrounded by AutomaticStart and AutomaticEnd comments. Anything between these comments is removed by the automatic prototype extractor, so the programmer should put nothing here.

  6. Three sections, each with a leading comment, separated into definitions for

    1. Functions visible outside the package
    2. Functions visible to all files within the package only
    3. Functions visible to the file only
A template C source file that includes all the required sections and comments is shown below.


  FileName    [ required ]

  PackageName [ required ]

  Synopsis    [ required ]

  Description [ optional ]

  SeeAlso     [ optional ]

  Author      [ optional ]

  Copyright   [ required ]


#include "Int.h"

static char rcsid[] = "$Id: packages.html,v 1.2 1996/02/28 22:50:48 sedwards Exp $";

/* Stucture declarations                                                     */

/* Type declarations                                                         */

/* Variable declarations                                                     */

/* Macro declarations                                                        */



/* Definition of exported functions                                          */

/* Definition of internal functions                                          */

/* Definition of static functions                                            */

Structured Comments

Documentation for packages, functions, macros etc. is embedded within C source and header files in ``structured comments,'' which can be understood by programs in the ext system.

Any definition (e.g., functions, macros, structures) must be preceded by a structured comment that indicates information about its functionality, use, etc. We suggest you write this documentation for your package before you write its code. This ensures the documentation gets written and allows you to see the package's complete interface.

A structured comment begins with a line beginning with ``/**'' (i.e., with no leading whitespace). The type of the comment (e.g., CFile, Function) is an alphanumeric string on the first line that may be embedded in asterisks or whitespace. A structured comment ends with a line containing ``*/''.

Between the start and end lines are field-value pairs separated by whitespace. A field is an alphanumeric string and a value is a square bracket-enclosed string that may include newlines. A value may not include a close-bracket unless it is escaped with a backslash, i.e., "5C]. The order of field-value pairs in a structured comment is irrelevant, but they must appear in pairs. A field-value pair named Comment is ignored by all automatic extraction tools, allowing comments within structured comments.

Certain values, such as the Synopsis and Description fields, may include HTML directives. These include <pre> and </pre>, which begin and end a section of preformatted text, i.e., that will be displayed with spaces and newlines intact, and <p>, which indicates a paragraph break.


The CHeaderFile structured comment at the beginning of a header file contains the following fields, some of which are optional:

FileName required The name of the header file
Package required The short name of the package, all lowercase
Synopsis required A one-line summary of the package
Description optional A more detailed description of the package, possibly multiple paragraphs. In the external header file, this should be directed toward users of the package. In the internal header file, this should be for maintainers of the package. This should be self-contained in both cases.
SeeAlso optional A space-separated list of names of things that may be of interest (e.g., packages, files, etc.)
Author optional The author or authors of the package
Copyright required A copyright notice for the file
Revision required The string $ Id: $, used by the revision control system.

An example CHeaderFile comment is shown below.

  FileName    [ rng.h ]
  PackageName [ rng ]
  Synopsis    [ Manipulation of integer ranges, e.g., 5-7. ]
  Description [ Routines for creating, adding to, querying, and
                deleting ranges. ]
  SeeAlso     [ rngInt.h ]
  Author      [ Gitanjali Swamy ]
  Copyright   [ Copyright (c) 1994-1996 The Regents of the Univ. of California.
                All rights reserved. ]
  Revision    [$Id: packages.html,v 1.2 1996/02/28 22:50:48 sedwards Exp $]


The CFile structured comment at the beginning of a source file contains the following fields, some of which are optional:

FileName required The name of the source file
Package required The short name of the package, all lowercase
Synopsis required A one-line summary of the file's contents
Description optional A more detailed description of the file, possibly multiple paragraphs. It should be self-contained.
SeeAlso optional A space-separated list of names of things that may be of interest (e.g., packages, files, etc.)
Author optional The author or authors of the file
Copyright required A copyright notice for the file

An example CFile comment is shown below.

  FileName    [ rngUtil.c ]
  PackageName [ rng ]
  Synopsis    [ Memory and read/write utilities for the Range package ]
  Description [ Contains routines for creating and deleting ranges,
                and asking questions of them ]
  SeeAlso     [ rngUtilInt.c ]
  Author      [ Gitanjali Swamy ]
  Copyright   [ Copyright (c) 1994-1996 The Regents of the Univ. of California.
                All rights reserved. ]


The fields in the Function structured comment are

Synopsis required A one-line synopsis of the function
Description optional A longer description of the function: its parameters, its return type, and how it is computed. This should be self-contained.
SideEffects required A description of any side effects (e.g., modification of global variables). If there are none, include an empty string: `` []}''.
SeeAlso optional A space-separated list of the names of related functions, files, packages, etc.
CommandName optional The name of the command that invokes this function. Omit when the function is not a command.
CommandSynopsis optional A one-sentence synopsis of the command.
CommandArguments optional The command-line arguments recognized or required by the command.
CommandDescription optional A full description of the command.

To document a function's parameters and return type, insert standard /* */-enclosed C comments after each parameter and after the return type. Parameter comments should follow the parameter name, before the comma or close-parenthesis. A return type comment should be between the return type and the function name. All of these comments are optional.

If the function can be invoked directly from the command line, it should include the Command fields. The sentence in the CommandSynopsis field should be an imperative command, e.g., ``read a network'' instead of ``reads a network.'' Omit a trailing period. The CommandArguments field should have symbolic names enclosed in angle brackets (e.g., <list>), and optional arguments enclosed in escaped square brackets (e.g., \[ -v \]). The CommandDescription field should fully document the command, and may use arbitrary HTML constructs.

An example Function comment with partial definition is shown below.

  Synopsis    [ Check if two ranges overlap ]
  Description [ If any integer is common to both of the given ranges,
                return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE. ]
  SideEffects []
  SeeAlso     [ Rng_RangeOrWithRange ]
static boolean /* TRUE if the ranges overlap */
  Rng_Range_t * range1 /* first range */,
  Rng_Range_t * range2 /* second range */)
{ /* ... */ }


The Macro fields in a structured comment are identical to those for Function, except the Command fields are never present -- a macro may not define a command. It is intended that macros are indistinguishable from functions.

To document the return type of a macro, insert a C comment with the type before the macro name. To document the type of each argument, insert a C comment before each argument. To document each argument, insert a C comment after each argument name, before a comma or close-parenthesis. All these comments are optional.

An example Macro comment with a partial definition is shown below.

  Synopsis    [ Return the lower number in a range ]
  SideEffects []
  SeeAlso     [ Rng_RangeSetEnd ]
#define /* int */ Rng_RangeReadEnd( /* Rng_Range_t * */ range /* the Range */)\
(((range->begin) =< RNG_MAX)? (range->begin): RNG_MAX)

Struct and Variable

Struct and Variable structured comments have identical fields:

Synopsis required A one-line synopsis
Description optional A longer description. This should be self-contained.
SeeAlso optional A space-separated list of the names of related functions, files, packages, etc.

To comment the fields in a structure definition, place a C comment after each field definition, after the semicolon. These comments are optional.

Example Struct and Variable comments are shown below.

  Synopsis      [ Represents an integer range ]
  Description   [ Uses two integers to represent the range.
                  Under normal circumstances, begin <= end. ]
  SeeAlso       [ Rng_RangeAlloc Rng_RangeFree ]
typedef struct RngRangeStruct {
    int begin; /* The lower limit */
    int end;   /* The upper limit */
} Rng_Range_t;

  Synopsis      [ The number of ranges current in existence ]
  Description   [ Whenever Rng_RangeAlloc is called, this is incremented.
                  Whenever Rng_RangeFree is called, this is
                  decremented.  This should always be positive

  SeeAlso       [ Rng_RangeAlloc Rng_RangeFree ]
int Rng_numRanges;

Low-Level Coding Conventions

To make code in the ext environment look consistent, we have the following conventions about its appearance:

The following fragment illustrates these conventions.

  Ntk_Node_t * node,
  Tbl_Table_t * table,
  array_t * inputNames /* array of char */,
  int  outputIndex)

   * If the output column of a table can take only
   * a single value, set the constant flag. 

  if ( Tbl_TableTestIsConstant(table, outputIndex) ) {
    node->constant = 1;

   * Print the node's name, MDD id, type, and attributes.

    fprintf(fp, "%s: mdd=%d, %s;%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryOutput(node) ? " output" : ""),
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsConstant(node) ? " constant" : ""),
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsLatchDataInput(node) ?
             " data-input" : ""),
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsLatchInitialInput(node) ?
             " initial-input" : ""),             ,
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsCombInput(node) ? " comb-input" : ""),
            (Ntk_NodeTestIsCombOutput(node) ? " comb-output" : "")