Abstract for group Life Being that the VGA output is 640x480, we will limit the "game board" to 480x480. Each "being" will be a 10x10 square, so our board will be 48x48. We'll need to keep the "game board" and current state of the beings in memory. We will use the SRAM controller to hold the game board and access its contents regularly to update our "life" peripheral, which will be controlling the display to the VGA. 48x48 = 2304 bits, much larger than the available memory on the FPGA. Each "1" bit in the game board map on the SRAm will translate to a living being in that (row,column) combination. Likewise, each "0" will just translate to "empty" space (the background color). The main game of life algorithm will be implemented in the "life" peripheral and handled completely in hardware. The software will send the initialization parameters to the hardware, and the peripheral will output each generation. We'll potentially have to add a delay counter, so as to slow down the output of each generation.