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The Base Class · The Base Class (Detailed)

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A one-line synopsis of this base class.

This should be a longer (multi-line) description of the class. This is where you should describe the contents of the class, its intended use, and anything else a user of the class might want to know.

HTML tags, including things like hyperlinks to the cce home page, may be included in this field.

The default meaning of a comment is a one-line synopsis of the item following it, such as a class declaration or a method definition. Other fields, a list of which can be obtained by running cceExtHtml --fields, are denoted by a field name starting with an at-sign. All fields are optional.

Revision 1.1
Last Updated 7 March 1997
By Stephen Edwards


Base::Base ()

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:43

Base::doNothing (int a and precede the comma immediately following , int b, int c)

Do nothing

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:74

virtual int
Base::something (int a, int & b, char c[])

Do something

The synopsis for a method should be an action sentence, e.g., "Compute today's date," instead of the more wishy-washy "This method computes today's date."

Since this method is defined (rather than just declared) in the header file, its comments should appear in the header file

Returns a value indicating whether it was possible to do something

Side Effects something happens. (This field should only be included if invoking the method has some side effects.)

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:63

Base::somethingElse ()

Do something else

The C++ single-line comment syntax also works and allows multi-line fields

Returns the sum of two and three

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:71


The temperature of the base

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:79

Base::~Base ()

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:44


Base::getDate ()

Return the time in seconds

Although this method has a comment in the .h file, this comment at the definition of the method takes precedence.

Declaration doc/examples/example.h:84
Definition doc/examples/

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