Nepalese Hostages in Iraq fund A site that collects donations to help the bereaved families of the 12 Nepalese who were taken hostage and slain a la execution in Iraq by members of a militant group.
Regicide and Maoist... "Regicide and Maoist revolutionary warfare in Nepal" - an article by Marie Lecomte-Tilouine, translated by David N. Gellner. A westerner's perspective, and one that differs from the one permeated by popular Nepalese media, on Nepal's immediate history and current situation. The article's slightly outdated, though.
MP3s An eclectic collection of Nepali songs that I have managed to pilfer from different sources.
Women's Rights: abortion In a country with a disappointing human rights records where women's rights are neglected even more, news such as this send an encouraging message. Regardless of what prompted the king to grant the pardon, efforts by women's activists to bring about such changes must be commended.
Royal Extortion A news article on what's exactly depleting the Nepalese national coffers.

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