System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag Enumeration

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Security.Permissions
Specifies access flags for the security permission object.
C# Syntax:
public enum SecurityPermissionFlag
This enumeration is used by SecurityPermission. Many of these flags are powerful and should only be granted to highly trusted code.
See also:
System.Security.Permissions Namespace | SecurityPermission | SecurityPermissionAttribute

System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag Member List:

Public Fields
AllFlags The unrestricted state of the permission.
Assertion Ability to assert that all this code's callers have the requisite permission for the operation.
ControlAppDomain Ability to create and manipulate an AppDomain.
ControlDomainPolicy Ability to specify domain policy.
ControlEvidence Ability to provide evidence, including the ability to alter the evidence provided by the common language runtime. This is a powerful permission that should only be granted to highly trusted code.
ControlPolicy Ability to view and modify policy. This is a powerful permission that should only be granted to highly trusted code.
ControlPrincipal Ability to manipulate the principal object. Denotes ability to manipulate the principal object.
ControlThread Ability to use certain advanced operations on threads.
Execution Permission for the code to run. Without this permission, managed code will not be executed. This flag has no effect when used dynamically with stack modifiers such as CodeAccessPermission.Deny, CodeAccessPermission.Assert, and CodeAccessPermission.PermitOnly.
Infrastructure Permission to plug code into the common language runtime infrastructure, such as adding Remoting Context Sinks, Envoy Sinks and Dynamic Sinks.
NoFlags No security access.
RemotingConfiguration Permission to configure Remoting types and channels.
SerializationFormatter Ability to provide serialization services. Used by serialization formatters.
SkipVerification Ability to skip verification of code in this assembly. Code that is unverifiable can be run if this permission is granted. This is a powerful permission that should be granted only to highly trusted code. This flag has no effect when used dynamically with stack modifiers such as CodeAccessPermission.Deny, CodeAccessPermission.Assert, and CodeAccessPermission.PermitOnly.
UnmanagedCode Ability to call unmanaged code. Since unmanaged code potentially allows other permissions to be bypassed, this is a dangerous permission that should only be granted to highly trusted code. It is used for such applications as calling native code using PInvoke or using COM Interop.


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