

You will complete a research project during the course of the semester. The research project serves two purposes. One is to gain hands-on experience and solidify what you have been learning in class; the other is to apply your innovative thinking to solve an interesting problem in the broad space of software defined networking which can be the starting point of your thesis topic or a cool application that can lead to further entrepreneurial endeavor.

The projects will be done in teams of 1 to 4. Together with your team members, you will choose a project from the list below or coming up with your own idea. I will need to validate your idea before you proceed to work on it.

A list of example projects is available here (accessible only from Columbia IP addresses).


To ensure you are on track for a successful project, I have set the following deadlines.

All of the above write-ups are due one hour before the class on their deadline day. In between each deadline, I will be meeting with each group on a regular basis, to ensure your timely progress.