CS 4999: Computing and the Humanities

Prof. Kathleen R. McKeown

Spring 1998; Tues & Thurs 4:10-5:25

Newsgroup: columbia.spring.cs4999

Class 1

Class 2

Class 1 URLS

American Studies Text: The Education of Henry Adams

Project Gutenberg -- ascii, public domain 1

Cardiology journals -- Full text

Example Concordances

Museum Curator -- An ICAI tool

Vesalius Project -- The Human Skull

Webseek -- An interface to images on the web

Class 2 URLS

National Center for Machine Readable Text in the Humanities

Pointer to list of projects producing electronic text

Project Gutenberg -- ascii, public domain 1

Online books at CMU

Class 17 URLS

Journal articles on CALL

Good Resource for CALL activies

Web based Teaching Resources

Verb conjugator for Spanish