
The names of participating students are listed below. If you are listed but do not intend to take the class, please let the instructor know ASAP by email, so that he can determine whether to accept students from the standby-list.

Name Email ( unless specified)
Neha Aggarwal na2542
Samuel Aronson sna2118
Jonathan Balsano jrb2194
Bingyi Cao bc2568
Chih-Kai Chang cc3527
Enrique Cruz eac2152
Pranita Sharad Dewan pd2438
Edward Garcia ewg2115
Andrew Goldin adg2160
Swikriti Jain sj2615
Matthew Kim mjk2189
Krista Kohler knk2110
Jiao Li jl3931
Yi-Chen Liu yl2900
Ryder Moody rlm2155
Yash Parikh yp2348
Pooja Kalpana Prakash pk2451
Hareesh Radhakrishnan hr2318
Vipul Raheja vr2337
Ruby Robinson rdr2119
Amit Ruparel ar3202
Ashlesha Shirbhate ass2167
Priyanka Singh ps2789
Ayushi Singhal as4521
Mahd Tauseef mt2932
Peter Xu px2117
Yuan Xu yx2212
Michael Yan
Kevin Yang yy2485

Ken Ross 2013-09-17