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Project 4: Organisms II

This project is a variant of a project given in Spring 1999. However the aims of this project are very different.

Consider an electronic world consisting of an $m$ by $n$ grid. Virtual ``organisms'' can exist on this grid, with an organism able to occupy a cell on the grid. Organisms have energy that can be gained or lost in a variety of ways. When an organism runs out of energy it dies, and vacates the cell it formerly occupied. An organism can have at most $M$ units of energy. An organism may do one of several things during a virtual time cycle:

An illegal move (such as trying to move or reproduce onto an occupied square) results in a ``stay put'' outcome.

There will be food scattered over the grid. One unit of food corresponds to $u$ units of energy. Food reproduces according to the following rules:

An organism has an external state that is an integer between 0 and 255. This state may be changed by the organism during the course of the simulation. The external state is visible to other organisms, as described below.

An organism can ``see'' in the four orthogonal directions. An organism gets information about:

An organism's ``brain'' is a program that you will write (in Java). Since there will be many organisms on the grid simultaneously, each will run a separate instance of the brain code. Each instance will have access only to the local environment of the organism. Organisms are placed randomly on the grid, and don't know their coordinates. The brain can keep a history of local events for the organism if you think that's useful.

Organisms cannot identify their neighbors. Neighbors may be of the same species (i.e., have the same programmed brain), or of a different species (i.e., have a different brain). This will be important for simulations in which multiple organisms from different groups are placed on the same grid. (How might you use the external state to help in identification? What about impostors?)

Organisms act one-at-a-time from top-left to bottom-right, row by row. We number the top-left cell as (1,1) and the bottom-right cell as $(m,n)$. That means that the state of the virtual world seen by an organism at $(x,y)$ reflects the situation in which all organisms in positions $(x',y')$ lexicographically less than $(x,y)$ have already made their moves, while organisms in positions lexicographically after $(x,y)$ have not yet moved. This convention allows all operations to happen without any need for resolving conflicts between organisms (for example trying to move to the same cell). However, it leads to some slightly unintuitive effects:

We'll provide an organism ``simulator'' that reads in one or more organism brains, places one organism for each such brain randomly on the grid, and lets the organisms behave according to their brains' instructions.

There are several goals for this project:

  1. Your organism should be able to survive and replicate in an environment where it is the only kind of organism present. This may not be as easy as it sounds. Overpopulation may lead to consumption of all the food. If $p$ is sufficiently small, extinction may ensue. The goal is to achieve the highest long-term stable population.
  2. Your organism will be tested in environments containing other organisms. The goal here is primarily to survive, and secondarily to survive in higher numbers than competing organisms. Can your organisms populate the grid faster than their competitors? (Is that even the right strategy given the possibility of everybody going extinct?) How might you program your organisms to ``recognize'' different organisms based on their state and/or behavior? If you can distinguish members of your species, how might you behave differently to members of another species? Your goal here is not necessarily to obliterate other species, but to maximize the fraction of the population containing your brain.
  3. In the discussion so far, we haven't limited the size of organisms' brains. How might your programs change if (to simulate an organism's limited brain size) we limited the complexity of the brain code? For example, what if we eliminated all looping constructs (while, for, etc.) from brains?
We'll run several simulations for each of these scenarios to see how the organisms behave. We'll also have some special categories of simulation, such as ``best brain that fits on an 80x24 screen'', etc.

The simulator will be provided later.

There are several parameters mentioned in the project description. Values for the parameters will be selected in class in order to make the project most interesting. We'll run simulations for various combinations of parameters. Below is a summary of the parameters, their meaning, and likely values. The first four parameters are not known to the organism, while the remaining parameters are known.

Parameter Meaning Likely Values
$m$ horizontal size 5 to simulator screen width
$n$ vertical size 5 to simulator screen height
$p$ probability of spontaneous appearance of food 0.001-0.1
$q$ probability of food doubling 0.002-0.2
$s$ energy consumed in staying put 1 (other parameters scale)
$v$ energy consumed in moving or reproducing 2-20
$u$ energy per unit of food 10-500
$M$ maximum energy per organism 100-1000
$K$ maximum food units per cell 10-50

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Ken Ross 2003-09-11