W4118 Spring 2011 Working Assignment Assignment Number: GroupID Number: VMware VM (hostname/vmware#/IP): We certify that: * The code submitted here compiles properly and runs without crashing. * While we may have discussed the assignment with others, the code submitted is entirely our own group's work and no other student has edited it. * So far as we have been able to determine, the program properly handles all reasonable inputs. Name of Group Member 1: _________________________ Name of Group Member 2: _________________________ Name of Group Member 3: _________________________ Further instructions to the student: * Check your code to make sure it is readable. You may wish to add some comments, change a variable name, or even restructure the code. This also often helps you find bugs in the code. * Check your code to make sure it is readable. You may wish to add some comments, change a variable name, or even restructure the code. This also often helps you find bugs in the code. * Print your code out and make sure that all the lines fit on the page without wrapping. * Include this file with the files you submit for your programming assignment. The file should be named "homework_work.txt". * Describe below how each member of your group contributed to the assignment. Include a list of C functions and files that you modified or implemented and which group member was primarily responsible for doing each. All group members are expected to contribute in writing the code for each assignment. Member Contributions: