The Games Project

Speaker Name: Agustín Gravano
Speaker Info: PhD student, NLP Group;
Date: Thursday December 15
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Location: CS Conference Room (Mudd)

The Games Project is a long-term research effort involving the collection and prosodic analysis of a multi-speaker corpus of spontaneous dialogue. Although originally conceived to address specific hypotheses on how intonation varies in relation to information status and discourse structure, it is also proving to be useful for studying many other open speech-related questions. Currently, we are looking at two particular questions in spoken dialogue systems: speakers' use of discourse markers (such as 'okay', 'uh-huh' or 'yeah'), and turn-taking strategies. In this talk, I will comment on the design and original goals of our research, describe the current state of our investigations, and outline future research.