CS3134: Andy’s Recitation 1
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Useful Programs to Have and Useful Websites

Many of these resources can be found on the resources pages but I will include them here since they were covered in my recitation.

Walk Through for Logging On and Developing on Newcunix

You do not need to develop on newcunix but you must be sure that your code will run on it. These instructions are by no means the only way to do this. This is for Windows users.

1.   Log on newcunix.cc.columbia.edu using SSH, TeraTerm, or, PuTTy.

2.   Start X-Win32

3.   At the command prompt (in your SSH window) type “export DISPLAY=IPADDRESS:0” where IPADRESS is you address. There are many ways of finding this, the easiest being selecting the DISPLAY tab in X-Win32.

4.   Type “Emacs filename.java” where filename is the name of the file you will be editing. An emacs window should pop up on your desktop ready for use. If this doesn’t happen, there is a mistake in step 2 or most likely 3.

5.   In Emacs, under “Options”, choose “Syntax Highlighting”. This will allow for useful coloring.

6.   To compile, on the command line, type “javac filename.java” where filename is the name of the file

7.   To run, type “java filename”, note you do not use the .java or .class extension

8.   When you are finished with your project submit by typing “/opt/ACISsubmit/bin/submit cs3134”. This will submit everything in your directory and send you an email confirmation.

 You do not need to remotely develop on newcunix, you could use NetBeans, or Eclipse and develop on your own machine.

Example Code