Progress Report

Each team member should submit a separate project report.

Each section should be concise, probably no more than one page per section, but provide sufficient details to get a sense of accomplishments and challenges. Do not list percentages ("80% done") or generalities ("working on implementation", "reading papers"), but rather specific accomplishments or challenges ("searched IEEE Xplore for related literature and found 20 articles on X", "sketched user interface on XYZ tool", "imported data into Big Table", "checked functions to do X into github").

Early in the project, a summary of one page total is sufficient.

Status Light

Green: on schedule, good progress. Yellow: week or so behind schedule or concerns that need addressing; very likely to catch up by next report. Red: Behind schedule or significant blocking issues, with risk of impacting overall project success or requiring changes in team task assignments or resources.


What were your project plans for the past reporting period (two weeks)? (You can name both group goals and your person goals and objectives.)


What did you accomplish in the past two weeks? This includes finished tasks and tasks with significant progress.

Coming Up

What are your plans for the next two-week reporting period?


What problems did you encounter or are on the horizon? What resources are you planning to use to address these problems? Do you anticipate having to change your project goals, objectives or schedule? Do you have concerns for the overall project, even if your part is going well?

Coordination and cooperation

Did you coordinate tasks with the other team members? How? (You can indicate that the tasks did not require coordination.)